Send a admin alert to agents

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Send a admin alert to agents

Postby davesdatasystems » Mon Aug 17, 2020 11:45 am

I seen a post way back in 2009, but i was wondering if there was ever any progress on this.

To explain:

I would like to be able to send a alert to agents, that they would see, ie without opening a chat tab, but kind of like a strip across the screen. Like when someone gets a inbound call, there is a strip that tells the agent that there is a incoming call. I would like to see something like that or even a better option. The reason is, so we can send a message to agents letting them knowing things like dialer restarts or other important messages. I am aware of the chat function, but it really does not have a "in your face option" like seeing a strip of text across the screen, there might even be the option to do this, since it was talked about way back in 2009, but i never seen the option.

thanks for the time, anyone have or know anything like this let me know.
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Re: Send a admin alert to agents

Postby mflorell » Mon Aug 17, 2020 7:52 pm

That's been on the "unpaid development" list for quite a while. We'd love to add it when we have time, or a client pays for it.
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Re: Send a admin alert to agents

Postby carpenox » Fri Sep 18, 2020 6:01 pm

couldnt the same method that blind monitoring uses be used to send a global or campaign specific message?
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