; sending email address
email_from =>
vicidial@local.server; subject of the email
email_subject => Scheduled callback alert for --A--agent_name--B--
email_body_begin =>
This is a reminder that you have a scheduled callback right now for the following lead:
Name: --A--first_name--B-- --A--last_name--B--
Phone: --A--phone_number--B--
Alt. phone: --A--alt_phone--B--
Email: --A--email--B--
CB Comments: --A--callback_comments--B--
Lead Comments: --A--comments--B--
Please don't respond to this, fool.
Alma Linux 9.4 | SVN Version: 3889 | DB Schema Version: 1721 | Asterisk 18.21.1 | PHP8
www.dialer.one -:- 1-833-DIALER-1 -:- https://linktr.ee/CyburDial -:- WA: +19549477572
GC: https://join.skype.com/ujkQ7i5lV78O | DC: https://discord.gg/DVktk6smbh