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In chan_sip, a “__sip_reliable_xmit: Serious Network Trouble; __sip_xmit returns error” error typically means that there’s a misconfiguration on the IP addressing on your system. Asterisk is trying to send a SIP message, and passes the network packet to the operating system, and the operating system says “Whoa there buddy, that’s not right”.
So since I posted the OP, I found out what the issue was. (or at least eliminated it by changing a setting.) On old versions of FreePBX, in Advanced SIP settings, in order to enable TCP connections, you had to manually type:
tcpenable =yes
In new versions, there is now a button to enable TCP. Having both settings enabled seems to cause these issues. Most likely, the config file for sip.conf gets messed up having these similar/identical settings. Removing the old entry eliminates the errors.
ERROR[4675]: tcptls.c:447 tcptls_stream_close: SSL_shutdown() failed: error:00000005:lib(0):func(0):DH lib, Underlying BIO error: Broken pipe
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