by jjohnson78 » Mon Feb 01, 2021 8:57 pm
Yes, it appears to be translation-related.
The issue is that the span that displays forced callbacks is displayed under a specific circumstance. Namely that if the message returned from the AJAX call that checks how many callbacks are left does NOT return a message that pattern matches the phrase "Error: no", then the forced callback span is displayed.
The catch is that the full error message is "Error: no live callbacks found" and the phrase "no live callbacks found" is being translated into Dutch (or whatever language is being used), so instead of "Error: no....", it's coming back as "Error: geen...." in your case, which does NOT pattern match and therefore triggers the callback span to be displayed, but without a callback (which would have the link to actually dial and force the span to hide itself again).
Try making the following change and see if this fixes it. In vicidial.php there is a function "VieWCBForcedDialInfO". It should start at line 17331 in your version. Within that function you'll see the below lines of code. Cut out the portion I have in red text (the last line), which is line 17367. Simply by removing the "no" should fix your issue, I hope. If so, I will pass it on to Matt F.
RAview_query = "server_ip=" + server_ip + "&session_name=" + session_name + "&ACTION=LEADINFOview&format=text&user=" + user + "&pass=" + pass + "&conf_exten=" + session_id + "&extension=" + extension + "&protocol=" + protocol + "&disable_alter_custphone=" + disable_alter_custphone + "&campaign=" + campaign + "&callback_id=FORCED&manual_dial_filter=" + agentcall_manual + "&stage=<?php echo $HCwidth ?>";'POST', 'vdc_db_query.php');
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('Content-Type','application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8');
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function()
if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200)
var temp_response = xmlhttp.responseText;
// alert(xmlhttp.responseText);
var regCDS = new RegExp("ERROR: no","ig");