Move web server to another cluster

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Move web server to another cluster

Postby dhijrwn » Sat Apr 10, 2021 2:02 am

Hi guys,

I just wanna ask question what error i will encounter if i move one server cluster to another cluster.
I tried to install another cluster and I took one working web server from my other cluster.
And what I did is I change the private and external ip address from astguiclient.conf and i ran the Admin update ip.
I successfully login within that cluster and they connect. Are there any extra configuration or miss step? or error should i look?

or should i just reformat the web server?

Thank you.
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Re: Move web server to another cluster

Postby williamconley » Thu Jun 16, 2022 12:56 pm

Web servers don't have any requirements aside from the presence of the web pages and configuration files and access/permissions for the DB server. they don't need any cron jobs or running screens. Technically, they don't need a Vicidial Installation even, just the presence of the files in the right places (of course, that's easiest with a Vicidial install).

1) Must have the exact same version of the web files in the correct places. Check bottom left corner of admin screens to get version and build. Must be identical including the build to avoid crashes.
2) astguiclient.conf must have the correct database credentials (best to test these on the CLI to be sure the server will have access when making requests).
3) NO crontab -e jobs required
4) NO screens (/etc/astguiclient.conf "VARactive_keepalives" running should "X" to denote NO keepalives)
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