Rejected calls today for 30 minutes due to our CID being 0

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Rejected calls today for 30 minutes due to our CID being 0

Postby matthewmalk248 » Tue Jul 20, 2021 7:13 pm

This may be coming out of left field but I had an extremely odd thing happen today with our dialers and wondered if anyone else experienced something similar.
For about a half hour this morning, none of our calls were going through. Ended up finding out that our CID was getting sent out as "0" which obviously the carriers were going to reject. (Our dialers have been sending CID just fine for years)
We have a dozen dialers that have SVNs on them range from 3470 to 3481, some all-in-ones, some clusters, some used X carrier for calls, some use Y. All had the exact same issue at the exact same time.

The only thing I can think of that links them together is that they are all using the TILTX Stir/Shaken AGI. Which showed our proper CID DID in the asterisk CLI on the way out. I'll be reaching out to them to see if anything could have caused this but figured I'd get it out in the forums in case we can find a pattern with someone else and help another dialer that might be having the same issue.

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Re: Rejected calls today for 30 minutes due to our CID being

Postby Acidshock » Tue Jul 20, 2021 10:34 pm

Not sure why everyone has such a push to TiltX. Have plenty of other carriers that will A/B attest without all the hassle. Not knocking them just dont understand the allure.
VERSION: 2.14-698a | BUILD: 190207-2301 | Asterisk:13.24.1-vici | Vicibox 8.1.2
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Re: Rejected calls today for 30 minutes due to our CID being

Postby kolian » Tue Jul 20, 2021 11:51 pm

Could you mention any carriers you would recommend? Thank you
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Re: Rejected calls today for 30 minutes due to our CID being

Postby Acidshock » Thu Jul 22, 2021 2:15 am

Yeah, hit me up via private message and I will link you up.
VERSION: 2.14-698a | BUILD: 190207-2301 | Asterisk:13.24.1-vici | Vicibox 8.1.2
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