Moderators: enjay, williamconley, Staydog, mflorell, MJCoate, mcargile, Kumba
carpenox wrote:the vicibox-ast16 is not active yet correct? i just tried it (from the beta4 and trying zypper up) or is it only avail on the final release?
carpenox wrote:kumba, does the phpMyAdmin install to the actual lcoation of /srv/www/htdocs/phpMyAdmin? i dont see it as a symlink and its not working
bbakirtas wrote:everything is so good, easy setup ,performance software but answering machine detection problem persists.this problem is caused by asterisk not vicidial.
total 26 call 13 answering machine 13 human answer, answering machine rate 50%
GenXOutsourcing wrote:bbakirtas wrote:everything is so good, easy setup ,performance software but answering machine detection problem persists.this problem is caused by asterisk not vicidial.
total 26 call 13 answering machine 13 human answer, answering machine rate 50%
AMD does not make a Human answer. of those 13 Human answers, how many were human? of the 15 Answering Machines, how many were actually machines?
carpenox wrote:ok so a couple bugs which i will submit to the tracker, but the first one is, the ssl package using doesnt seem to work with webrtc, ive tried on like 7 servers, and on all of them, once i use certbot certonly --webroot it then works.
carpenox wrote:The second major bug is that the VB-firewall does not actually work to allow IP's to the services listed in the trusted zone, or even the public zone for that matter does not allow any IP's once you have firewalld turned on if you are applying the whitelist or dynamic list, the program processes the IP's, but it does not actually allow them access.
vicibox10:/etc/asterisk # firewall-cmd --get-ipsets
blackips blacknets dynamiclist geoblock voipblip voipblnet whiteips whitenets
vicibox10:/usr/local/bin # firewall-cmd --info-ipset=dynamiclist
type: hash:ip
options: maxelem=262144
Kumba wrote:carpenox wrote:ok so a couple bugs which i will submit to the tracker, but the first one is, the ssl package using doesnt seem to work with webrtc, ive tried on like 7 servers, and on all of them, once i use certbot certonly --webroot it then works.
So the first thing I want to mention is that certbot doesn't exist on ViciBox v.10.0.0. That sounds like a remnant from some of the Beta releases. The final release of vicibox-ssl uses the script to generate SSL certs. It also generates a unique template file using the format "<HOSTNAME>-RTC". So if you don't change the default hostname, which is 'vicibox10', the template you will want to apply to your WebRTC phones is going to be called 'vicibox10-RTC'. This was done so that you could use vicibox-ssl on a cluster. If you didn't tell vicibox-ssl to generate all the asterisk configs and such for you, then you would need to manually create those.
i zyppered in certbot in order to use it, its definitely the final that i am usingcarpenox wrote:The second major bug is that the VB-firewall does not actually work to allow IP's to the services listed in the trusted zone, or even the public zone for that matter does not allow any IP's once you have firewalld turned on if you are applying the whitelist or dynamic list, the program processes the IP's, but it does not actually allow them access.
I looked over your other post about fixing VB-firewall by adding some IPSets. So I started by looking to see if those exist in a fresh install of vicibox10:
- Code: Select all
vicibox10:/etc/asterisk # firewall-cmd --get-ipsets
blackips blacknets dynamiclist geoblock voipblip voipblnet whiteips whitenets
The IPSets that VB-firewall needs are already there. they are also the correct types:
- Code: Select all
vicibox10:/usr/local/bin # firewall-cmd --info-ipset=dynamiclist
type: hash:ip
options: maxelem=262144
So the ipsets do exist in the final ViciBox v.10.0.0. I believe correcting the firewall behavior and wrapping it around firewalld was the last thing I fixed in the final V.10.0.0 release. So there's a good chance this would not be correct in any version of the betas. I'll setup and test the dynamic list portion here in a little bit as well.
Are you sure you aren't seeing these issues on some form of the Beta? If you do a 'head -n 1 /etc/vicibox-version' it should tell you what release your install started as.
ll /etc/zypp/repos.d
total 20
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 134 Sep 1 07:32 openSUSE-Leap-15.3-Oss.repo
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 158 Sep 1 07:32 openSUSE-Leap-15.3-PERL.repo
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 173 Sep 1 07:32 openSUSE-Leap-15.3-ViciDial-Ast13.repo
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 171 Sep 1 07:32 openSUSE-Leap-15.3-ViciDial-ViciBox.repo
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 154 Sep 1 07:32 openSUSE-Leap-15.3-ViciDial.repo
269 2021-12-07 09:30:57 zypper remove firewalld
270 2021-12-07 09:31:17 zypper install firewalld
271 2021-12-07 09:31:46 zypper install vicibox-firewall
281 2021-12-07 09:34:19 systemctl enable firewalld
294 2021-12-07 09:38:35 reboot
doipnetslist(\@dynamicips, $IPBLACK, "X", "DynamicList");
doipnetslist(\@dynamicips, $IPDYNAMIC, "X", "DynamicList");
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