We actually ran into this issue with a lot of call centers and spent most of the day getting them up and running. It does not only affect winn7/chrome it also affects mac Catalina, PlayStation and older android phones (pre8). Afaik Mac has a security patch out for it.
https://techcrunch.com/2021/09/21/lets- ... ot-expiry/Here is the fix and the problem in win7
The root cert and intermediate for some reason don't seem to be updating. So if you go to a good working win10 machine you can go to cert store or even internet option and extract the 2 certs and import them on the affected machine.. restart browser and fixed. the 2 affected certs are the R3 intermediate.. the correct one will be x1 and expire in 2025 the one causing problems expires sept29 202. The second cert is the root isrg root x1the correct one has an expiry of 6/4/2035
|| DB Schema Version: 1609 || Asterisk 11.25.1-vici || BUILD: 190902-0839 ||VERSION: 2.14-718a||SVN: 3133||10xTelephony||1x Database||1x Slave||1x Web||1x Archive||ViciBox v.8.0.1