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ZedTiger wrote:Thanks for your reply!
Here's a rundown:
1. 2 agents log in, they're both in a group that we've specifically named for calls to transfer to (let's call it "tGroup" just for anonymity's sake) -- the general idea is that "heavy hitters" who handle calls will receive the transferred calls
2. 1 of the agents un-pauses and begins automatically dialing out calls, the other remains paused (this was a mistake in my original description, the agent we want to transfer to is in fact paused at the time the transfer happens)
3. The agent who started making calls speaks with a test client whose call they want to transfer to tGroup, they click the button to start a transfer (the button on the left of the main agent interface screen)
4. Oddity: a second window pops up at this point requesting the agent log in again, it won't accept their credentials (we've tried that), they close this window, the area down at the bottom of the main agent interface appears allowing them to select to transfer the call to tGroup
5. The test client's call hears music on hold for a brief moment, and then the call drops, the administrative user interface now shows that call was terminated due to DROP
I'm honestly a bit at a loss as to what's going on at step 4 with the pop-up window. We have an earlier build of VICIdial already in production that does not exhibit that behavior.
Thanks again!
(EDIT: fix confusing typo)
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