Dialing a manual call however, does not have this issue. Call is closed correctly and dispo is sent properly.
When Campaign is running on Autodial, the issue occurs.
After waiting a long time, eventually calls complete and show in Queuemetrics reports, however the Status Code (Disposition) is either blank or incorrect.
After checking, it seems the script on vicidial side seems to do a cleanup but not properly (/usr/share/astguiclient/AST_cleanup_agent_log.pl)
Calls then have ERI as dispo code after script runs.
Vicidial = VERSION: 2.14-669a
BUILD: 180411-1647
Queuemetrics = QueueMetrics - 21.04.8
Vicidial has been installed on top of Goautodial 4 (Which was built from Scratch on Centos 7 = https://goautodial.org/projects/goautod ... _CentOS_7X )
Using steps https://goautodial.org/boards/3/topics/18504
Has anyone came across this issue before? I've read everywhere and can't seem to figure out where the issue occurs.
Any input appreciated.