Ingroup ring-all not working as it should.

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Ingroup ring-all not working as it should.

Postby mosses » Wed May 18, 2022 4:56 pm

I’m currently facing a problem with ingroup ring all function as we have a cluster with 4 dialers  and 1 DB, 1 survey camp that sends digits 1-2 to agents logged in to another campaign that uses an ingoup that uses ring all and on hook phones. The problem is that when multiple calls come through with very little time between one another the call details go to agent one agent panel, and the actual call goes to agent 2 phone (zoiper)
Vixibox iso install
VERSION: 2.14-853a
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Re: Ingroup ring-all not working as it should.

Postby williamconley » Wed May 18, 2022 9:39 pm

You're not supposed to send "press 1" / "survey" calls to an ingroup. You're supposed to send them to agents, that's what a Survey campaign is for. Sending calls to agents if someone presses a digit. Ingroups are meant for inbound calls, generally from a DID or transfer from another agent.

So, since you are using the system this way, we'll need to know the actual settings you've used to subjugate the system to your needs. 8-)

All the settings in the campaign, and whatever other modules you pass the call through on the way to the agent. I'm not going to assume your method, since that's likely where the flaw is. So post 'em all (nothing personal of course, we don't need the real names of the campaigns, ingroups, call menus, or the actual DIDs or anything like that).

Additionally, your installation method (and a link to the instructions if you're not using a known .iso installer) may be useful in case there's actually a problem with your installation someone else may benefit from knowing.
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Re: Ingroup ring-all not working as it should.

Postby mosses » Thu May 19, 2022 3:06 am

We have 4 dialers and 1 DB Server hosted on the same datacenter from 4 servers are full-vividial but the 4 dialers we control them from the DB server.
1 Survey campaign with Auto Dial Level: 700-800 (depending on the day) with 1 remote agent that we activate and routing extension 8373.
The survey is configured with the first audio and interested digits 1238 and Survey Method: is Call menu (as i can't find ring all opposition anywhere else except the ingoups)
Call menu is configured with 1 Menu Prompt audio and option1 goes to ingroup1 Handle Method: CLOSER and option 2 goes to ingoup2 Handle Method:CLOSER
Ingoup is configured Next Agent Call: Ring all and On-Hook Ring Time: 10 sec
We have a second campaign with Allow Inbound and Blended: Y and Dial Method: is RATIO that we log on the agents in the ingoup selected and phones with On-hook option Y
The whole purpose of this is to use ring-all function as we need that when the clients pres 1-2 the sofphone rings to the operators logged in to that camp with the details of the caller that pressed 1 or 2 on the agent screen.

Let me know if any other detail is needed.
Thank you in advance.
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Re: Ingroup ring-all not working as it should.

Postby mosses » Fri May 20, 2022 11:12 am

Anybody any suggestions will be appreciated :)
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Re: Ingroup ring-all not working as it should.

Postby williamconley » Sat May 21, 2022 7:41 pm

mosses wrote:We have 4 dialers and 1 DB Server hosted on the same datacenter from 4 servers are full-vividial but the 4 dialers we control them from the DB server.

I'm a little unclear here. Are you saying that your servers are at Vicihost? Or that the data center installed using Vicibox? (In either case, providing the installation .iso filename or the full installer version may be useful)

Plus: "Control them from the DB server" sounds like you have a Vicidial Cluster/Multi-server setup, but I'd like to be clear that these servers are configured as a single cluster, not five separate servers that transfer calls among them from a main server.

mosses wrote:1 Survey campaign with Auto Dial Level: 700-800 (depending on the day) with 1 remote agent that we activate and routing extension 8373.

Just gonna say that's a bit high. How are the server loads? (I refer to "Average Server Load" from the command line of each server, without regard for the "Load" shown on the reports page)
mosses wrote:
The survey is configured with the first audio and interested digits 1238 and Survey Method: is Call menu (as i can't find ring all opposition anywhere else except the ingoups)

mosses wrote:Call menu is configured with 1 Menu Prompt audio and option1 goes to ingroup1 Handle Method: CLOSER and option 2 goes to ingoup2 Handle Method:CLOSER

Um ... you require the recipient to press 1 at the survey and then press 1 (or 2) again at the call menu? Are you sure?
mosses wrote:Ingoup is configured Next Agent Call: Ring all and On-Hook Ring Time: 10 sec

Are ALL agents set to OnHook in this ingroup?

10 seconds is a bit short
mosses wrote:We have a second campaign with Allow Inbound and Blended: Y and Dial Method: is RATIO that we log on the agents in the ingoup selected and phones with On-hook option Y

mosses wrote:The whole purpose of this is to use ring-all function as we need that when the clients pres 1-2 the sofphone rings to the operators logged in to that camp with the details of the caller that pressed 1 or 2 on the agent screen.

WHY do you need Ring-All? Why not just have the agents logged in and waiting? (Not being a smart-ass, not giving you a hard time, actually asking, I'm a technician, this information may be helpful)

What is the "Average Server Load" on ALL of the affected servers when this problem happens? I do not refer to "a few minutes later" or "some time during the day", but WHEN this problem happens.

Also by ALL affected servers, I refer to the server that generated the call, the server that the agent is on with WEB and the server that the agent's phone is registered to when they receive their inbound "ringall" call.

I'll also need the Core Count for each of the affected machines (without the core count, the Average Server Load has little meaning).
Thank you in advance.
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