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callcentertech wrote:Hi all,
We have setup the fully automated VICIdial installer for multiple linux distros. It is completely fully automated and completely free. We support Ubuntu 18, Cent 7.9, Alma 8.x, Rocky 8.x. We will not include Cent 8 as it will be end of life on 31st Dec 2021.
The automation does following things.
1. Installs all packages and VICIdial with latest SVN with Asterisk 13.38 & AST 16 (AST 18 coming soon)
2. Install SSL from Lets-encrypt and forces to https
3. WebRTC configuration
4. Installs and fully configures Dynamic firewall, so it is secured by default (Firewalld + IPtables)
5. IP blacklist and IP whitelist fully working
6. Installs g729 codec
7. AWS S3 Integration included by default
8. Fully ready to dial VICIdial platform
9. User and SIP logins sent on email
The configuration includes:
1. 100 Fronter agents with 100 webphones, Preconfigured to auto login phones
2. 50 Closer agents with 50 webphones, Preconfigured to auto login phones
3. 100 regular sip extensions, in case you want to use it with softphones of IP phones
4. 6666 user is preconfigured with all permissions & password updated.
5. Outbound, Inbound, closer campaign preconfigured
6. Inbound groups, Filter Phone Groups configured
7. A lot of configurations done, you can explore yourself. Just add your carrier and good to go.
Go to “” and supply your Server IP, FQDN and Root Password, then place the order. Make sure to add A record for the “fqdn” to your server IP before placing install order. You will need to create an account (or log in as existing user), and process the order, you don't have to pay anything as the service is completely free forever.
Information for Geeks (How does automation works):
1. The orchestration server sends remote commands to update and upgrade your server, then reboots
2. The orchestration server then installs and configures vicidial, then reboots
3. The installation details can be found here /home/installation-details.txt
4. The csv sheet for user and sip extension details can be found in /var/lib/mysql-files
5. After 2nd reboot, you can check screen -ls , It will show up 12 sockets. It confirms vicidial is installed successfully.
Important Notes:
1. Make sure to add A record for the fqdn to your server IP before placing install order. Otherwise SSL, Dynamic firewall will fail
2. Do not reboot server while installation in progress.
3. SSH by default will be disabled as to not create any interruption while installation by the user
4. You can change timezone in server by running this command, timedatectl set-timezone America/New_York (Custom command coming soon)
5. Although we want to, but we can not make the script open to general public, as this is proprietary method used for our vicidial hosting platform at “”.
Useful Commands:
Show VICIdial users:
mysql -ucron -p1234 -e "use asterisk; select user_group,user,pass,phone_login,phone_pass,user_level from vicidial_users order by user ASC";
Show Extension Details:
mysql -ucron -p1234 -e "use asterisk; SELECT extension,login,pass,voicemail_id,conf_secret,fullname,phone_type,server_ip FROM phones ORDER BY login ASC";
Show peers and Registry:
asterisk -rx 'reload' && asterisk -rx 'sip show peers' && asterisk -rx 'sip show registry' && asterisk -rx 'iax2 show peers' && asterisk -rx 'iax2 show registry'
More updates coming soon..
realskinner wrote:Tried using this service. But inbound is not working. According to my DID provider, my server is replying 401 with their SIP INVITE. Makes me wonder if traffic going to my server is restricted. Tried turning down firewalls but still same issue.
Hope someone can help. Thanks
GenXOutsourcing wrote:I cant speak for others, but I would not (and recommend that others) do not put server ROOT passwords into ANY webform. This is a HUGE security issue, especially with all the hacking and botnets these days.
But please do share the code so that we can see that nothing malicious is being installed or loaded.
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