CallLog on inbound call to phone extension

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CallLog on inbound call to phone extension

Postby retloc » Thu Oct 10, 2013 9:27 pm

Using ViciBox5.x86_64-5.0.3
VERSION: 2.8-411a
BUILD: 130915-0045


I am trying to log a call that is dialing to a "ring group" of muiltiple extensions. I am sending calls to an extension that does a "ring all" once they drop from my vicidial ingroup. I see that the asterisk.call_log is logging outbound calls from the phone extensions but it isn't logging inbound calls to them. How can I get the calls to be logged in call_log?

This is the dialplan I have written for the extension that is under my default context

exten => 5554005,1,Answer
exten => 5554005,2,Set(CALLERID(number)=${CDR(src)})
exten => 5554005,3,AGI(agi://
exten => 5554005,4,Dial(SIP/1101&SIP/8551&SIP/8552&SIP/8553&SIP/8554&SIP/8558, 8, A(MCS))
exten => 5554005,5,AGI(agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi,CLOSER-----LB-----MCSLine2-----8005554005-----closer-----park----------999-----1)
exten => 5554005,6,Hangup

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Re: CallLog on inbound call to phone extension

Postby retloc » Mon Oct 21, 2013 5:34 pm

I have switched to using asterisk queues to get the call to log. However now I want to log the calls in the mysql db.

Does anyone know if it is ok to install asterisk-addons and asterisk-addons-mysql ontop of the vicibox installation. I do not want break something.
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Re: CallLog on inbound call to phone extension

Postby zerocool » Fri Jun 24, 2022 7:56 am

i have the same problem

@retloc did you find any solution?

retloc wrote:Using ViciBox5.x86_64-5.0.3
VERSION: 2.8-411a
BUILD: 130915-0045


I am trying to log a call that is dialing to a "ring group" of muiltiple extensions. I am sending calls to an extension that does a "ring all" once they drop from my vicidial ingroup. I see that the asterisk.call_log is logging outbound calls from the phone extensions but it isn't logging inbound calls to them. How can I get the calls to be logged in call_log?

This is the dialplan I have written for the extension that is under my default context

exten => 5554005,1,Answer
exten => 5554005,2,Set(CALLERID(number)=${CDR(src)})
exten => 5554005,3,AGI(agi://
exten => 5554005,4,Dial(SIP/1101&SIP/8551&SIP/8552&SIP/8553&SIP/8554&SIP/8558, 8, A(MCS))
exten => 5554005,5,AGI(agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi,CLOSER-----LB-----MCSLine2-----8005554005-----closer-----park----------999-----1)
exten => 5554005,6,Hangup

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Re: CallLog on inbound call to phone extension

Postby williamconley » Sat Jun 25, 2022 3:15 pm

Recompiling asterisk is fine, as long as you start with a Vicidial Coded version.


1) Consider that using Remote Agents is preferable to a 'ring group' for reporting purposes in Vicidial. Real time monitoring (for instance) will then become possible. You can have sequential numbered extensions/users (and set the "number of lines" per remote agent) or you can activate/deactivate individual remote agents for detailed reporting. Note that each of the users must exist to appear in the real time screen.

2) Later versions of the installer include the sqlite and cdrdbs and may also include what you are trying to add. Perhaps a simple upgrade into a fresh install would resolve your issues.
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