How to set up FROM and RPID on Remote Agent transfer

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How to set up FROM and RPID on Remote Agent transfer

Postby wt403 » Thu Jun 30, 2022 12:16 pm

VERSION: 2.14-661c
BUILD: 220518-2209
ViciBox v.10.0.1 220503

I am trying to point a DID to a group of external mobile phones, to be called sequentially. Basically, I want to "front" an office phone number which in turn dials out to a number of "management" cell phones

To achieve that, I have set up a DID which routes to an IN_GROUP called MGMT_IN, and a Blended campaign called GEN_IN, which is allowing the MGMT_IN group. I have then created a Remote Agent which is assigned to the GEN_IN campaign and is also a part of the MGMT_IN group. Perhaps this is redundant, I am not entirely sure if I need to assign the remote agent to both the IN_GROUP and the campaign.

My carrier requires me to set the outbound caller ID to one of our allocated numbers. I have set the Campaign Caller ID in GEN_IN, but it does not seem to affect the outbound call to the remote agent.

As a workaround, I created a copy of my carrier, called carrier_fwd, where I hardcoded the Caller ID as follows:

Code: Select all
exten => _80X.,1,AGI(agi://
exten => _80X.,2,Set(CALLERID(num)=08xxxxxxxx)
exten => _80X.,3,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1}@teletek,,tTo)
exten => _80X.,4,Hangup

This works, calls go through as intended. A call placed to the DID number is correctly routed to the external mobile phone, but the mobile phone only sees the 08xxxxxxxx Caller ID.

I would like to route the correct inbound Caller ID (e.g. 08yyyyyyyyy) to the mobile phone. I asked my carrier for support, and I received the following instructions:

You should be able to achieve what you want if you are able to in the VICIdial system place the number that you want to display, "08yyyyyyyyy", in the FROM field and your own number, "08xxxxxxxx", in the RPID field.

I am, however, unable to figure out how to implement these instructions. I have added sendrpid to my carrier setting, but it does not seem to make a difference.

I have also tried setting PAI as follows in my dialplan:
Code: Select all
exten => _80X.,2,SipAddHeader(P-Asserted-Identity: <sip:${CALLERIDNUM}>)

However, this did not work either.

Here is my carrier configuration:

Code: Select all

Any thoughts on how to set FROM and RPID would be very appreciated!
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Re: How to set up FROM and RPID on Remote Agent transfer

Postby williamconley » Fri Jul 01, 2022 3:34 pm

This is Pure Asterisk (not so much Vicidial). Note that the Asterisk community is an order of magnitude larger than the Vicidial community. Help is out there. I can't even count the number of FreePBX (built in asterisk) distros any more. lol. One of those may even have a module designed to do what you want already, without coding.

You will want to view the SIP packets (either on the asterisk CLI using sip debug or using a packet sniffer such as wireshark). Then work with your carrier to determine precisely what changes are needed to the INVITE packet to meet their requirements.

Once you've got it working in Asterisk, implementation in Vicidial is fairly simple (and honestly looks like you'll handle that part on your own easily).
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