Moderators: gerski, enjay, williamconley, Op3r, Staydog, gardo, mflorell, MJCoate, mcargile, Kumba, Michael_N
$telnet_login = "$ASTmgrUSERNAME";
mflorell wrote:Thank you very much for the feedback!
I wonder if Asterisk 18, and/or using PJSIP instead of chan_sip would have any affect on this?
We have PJSIP support in Asterisk 16, and we've been testing Asterisk 18 compatibility, so it might be something else to try.
mcargile wrote:@jamiemurray few questions:
What is the specific hardware are you running this on?
Is it virtualized?
Do you have physical DAHDI timers?
What does dahdi_test show when the audio is getting choppy?
To the best of my knowledge ConfBridge does not need a DAHDI timer, but the system over all benefits from having one. Basically it is pulling its timing from the underlying Asterisk timing system which will use the best timing source that is available. I do plan on getting clarification on this during AsteriskDev Con this year.
jamiemurray wrote:Yes, it's been in production on all my clients' systems since then and no complaints about audio except for today on a new setup.
+ ##### figure out which table to look for conferences in
+ $stmt="SELECT conf_engine from servers where server_ip = '$rowx[0]';";
+ if ($DB) {echo "|$stmt|\n";}
+ $rslt=mysql_to_mysqli($stmt, $link);
+ $row=mysqli_fetch_row($rslt);
+ $conf_engine = $row[3]; // <-------------------------------------------- shouldn't this be $row[0]?
+ $conf_table = "vicidial_conferences";
+ if ( $conf_engine == "CONFBRIDGE" ) { $conf_table = "vicidial_confbridges"; }
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