User from one campaign can see calls from another campaign

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User from one campaign can see calls from another campaign

Postby rockgeneral » Thu Jun 01, 2023 6:41 pm

I have a Vicidial server cluster hosted through Vicidial group. The server has two different campaigns each with it's own agent and admin user groups. Each user group is only supposed to be able to see items associated with their campaign. For the most part this has been successful. Each group is unaware that the other group is present on the server.

However, today one of the agents on one of the campaigns was viewing the call log in the agent screen. She clicked on the INFO link associated with the call log record. The Customer Information window opened showing the lead information. The bottom section CALL LOG FOR THIS LEAD: showed 2 inbound calls that were received from this lead. One was received by the user herself on ingroup N_SPANISH_QUAL_VCIM, user id 3003. The other call was received by user 4003 who is in the other user group and the other campaign on in-group CMISDIAL_SPA_VCIM.

Because the two centers are unaware that there is another center working on the server in another campaign this has raised questions. Each of the in-groups is associated with their respective Admin User Group. Each of the in-groups is only allowed in the respective campaign associated with the in-group. I would have thought that since user 3003 was associated with campaign1 they would only be able to see calls received on campaign1. Likewise, I would have thought that user 4003 would only see calls for this leads associated with campaign2 and/or ingroups allowed on their campaign.

Is there a setting that would make users from one group and campaign only be able to see calls in the INFO screen that were delivered to their campaign?
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ViciBox_v9.x86_64-9.0.2.iso | Version: 2.14b0.5 SVN: 3551 | DB Schema Version: 1650 | Asterisk 13.29.2-vici | Single Server
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Re: User from one campaign can see calls from another campai

Postby mflorell » Thu Jun 01, 2023 7:34 pm

There are no settings to change this currently because we've never had a client using User Group segregation that shared leads across user-groups/campaigns on the same system before.

I'm sure we could add a way to restrict log access for allowed leads, but we would probably want to go over the details of how exactly it would work before starting work on it.
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