I'm sure you all have noticed the Perl repo is dead when you try to run updates on ViciBox v10. Will that's because Leap 15.3 is end of life and all the repos will start dying off. So the fix for this is to upgrade to leap 15.4 by following this article:
https://dialer.one/how-to-fix-the-perl- ... leap-15-3/
https://dialer.one/how-to-upgrade-opens ... 3-to-15-4/
https://dialer.one/how-to-remove-the-wa ... -vicidial/
https://dialer.one/what-does-the-status ... list-mean/
Hope this helps you all keep your systems secure and up to date. Not a bad idea to also update your SVN using this:
https://dialer.one/how-to-update-your-v ... ubversion/