QC Process update 2021

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QC Process update 2021

Postby dspaan » Mon May 15, 2023 2:10 pm

So i finally had some time to look into the Quality Control update from 2021:

I read the above documentation but not everything is clear to me. (we are testing with SVN 3543)

Agents use the quality control interface to evaluate calls by listening to the recording associated with the call, and assigning scores to the checkpoints defined in the scorecard.

Where is the link to this agent-qc interface? By interface i suppose the 'Quality control' menu in the main admin.php screen is the inferface?

"QC Claim Limit" places a limit on the number of unfinished calls an individual agent can have in their queue at one time. The purpose of this setting is both to prevent a single agent from monopolizing the calls in a queue, and also to ensure that claimed calls are handled relatively promptly.

What is the definition of an agent here? A call agent? A call-agent or a supervisor? I'm used that specialized supervisors control the quality of calls done by agents or is the idea that agents qualify their own calls? I'm sure that's not the case.

If i choose 'FINISH QC' value CBHOLD and click Finish the lead is gone but i wasn't able to set the callback time?
What is the procedure to give the call back to the agent with a specified date/time?

The callbacks tab says:
If you want to change this lead to a scheduled callback, first change the Disposition to CBHOLD or similar, then submit and you will be able to set the callback date and time.

But there is no way to set a callback status and click Submit anywhere as far as i can see.
Regards, Dennis

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Re: QC Process update 2021

Postby jjohnson78 » Thu May 18, 2023 2:50 pm

Where is the link to this agent-qc interface? By interface i suppose the 'Quality control' menu in the main admin.php screen is the inferface?

That's the starting point, yes. Clicking that takes you to the page where you select a campaign to perform quality control on, if there are any campaigns set up for that. There's also menu links on the left under "Quality Control" that let you switch between selecting campaigns, list IDs, and ingroups, provided any are set up.

What is the definition of an agent here? A call agent? A call-agent or a supervisor? I'm used that specialized supervisors control the quality of calls done by agents or is the idea that agents qualify their own calls? I'm sure that's not the case.

This means a quality control agent, i.e. a person who will evaluate the QC-eligible calls from the Quality Control section in the admin. Of course, this means said user would have administrative privileges to access this in the first place, so it CAN be a supervisor, or just selected admin-level users.

The callbacks tab says:
If you want to change this lead to a scheduled callback, first change the Disposition to CBHOLD or similar, then submit and you will be able to set the callback date and time.

That is a bit of text from the old quality control software that was carried over and overlooked, unfortunately - it's been updated recently. On the callbacks tab, you can edit the most recently entered ACTIVE or LIVE callback for the lead being evaluated, provided that the lead is currently a recognized callback status like CALLBK or CBHOLD or a system/campaign status where the "scheduled callback" parameter is set to "Y". And in case there are no ACTIVE or LIVE callbacks for that lead to edit, the screen will notify you of that.
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Re: QC Process update 2021

Postby carpenox » Thu May 18, 2023 9:38 pm

You need to turn it on in system settings right below the agent fields


After that go to the user and enable that permission as well as in the user group

Good luck
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Re: QC Process update 2021

Postby dspaan » Fri Jun 16, 2023 3:31 am

Thanks for the replies gentlemen! My main confusion here were the words quality control agent and quality control interface in combination with the term 'claiming calls'. The documentation is very confusing the way it's written this way. I would suggest replacing the word 'agent' with admin or supervisor/manager. And quality control 'interface' with 'menu'. Because it's just the admin interface QC menu like it always was.
Regards, Dennis

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