VERSION: 2.14-888a
BUILD: 230607-0918
Asterisk 13.38.3-vici
I feel like this is a common problem that has an easy fix so I'm hoping someone may be able to help me figure it out.
So I have a fresh and custom install, and probably have left something out, my bad, I'm still a n00b at fresh installs.
Everything seems to have installed correctly, and I'm trying to import a custom csv to a new list.
When I select my csv file, the next page I expect to be able to select from the drop down boxes, what headers should marry up with the headers in the ViciDial lists. But they're all blank, as though the system couldn't parse the CSV properly?
But from memory, I think I'm on the latest V10, and I've installed on to a Debian Linux. I'm pretty sure I did v13.x asterisk because I read somewhere that was the one supported for V10. And I was following the text file documentation from the website, I think it was the scratch install?
I even had ChatGPT on hand, to help me get by some steps!
....which btw was really useful.
So if anyone can point me in the right direction, thank you for that
If there's any commands you want me to enter to find out if certain packages are installed, let me know, and I'll update my question.