Very complex problem needs a professional solution

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Very complex problem needs a professional solution

Postby Malikfarooq111 » Fri Nov 03, 2023 10:08 pm

Hello and thank you for opening my post
I have actually bulk raw data from databases and in that data there are a lot of dead and disconnected numbers.So when agents dial they get irritated by that .So basically what I plan to do is to run that file one time in Vicidial without agents and filter out the connected and disconnected numbers .This will increase the efficiency of my agents when they shall dial .So is there any expert out here who can recommend me how can I do that ?Its very advanced level
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Re: Very complex problem needs a professional solution

Postby carpenox » Sat Nov 04, 2023 5:21 am

Run the list then use advanced lead management tools to move the dispos for answered called to a new list
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Re: Very complex problem needs a professional solution

Postby teleinx » Wed Dec 06, 2023 9:56 pm

We provide a carrier lookup solution. You can load your leads file and look up data such as number is valid or invalid. Now, we don't know if the number is number is working or disconnected, we can only tell if the number is not valid or invalid. So that should remove some of the frustration and increase your carrier completion rates.
You can also append data like country, state, city, Mobile or Landline, who is the carrier that own the number, LRN number, etc... Another trick is that if the number has been ported and has an LRN number there is a higher chance its active.
All of this data is available

Hope this helps.
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