Queue Seconds is incorrect

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Queue Seconds is incorrect

Postby Basemmansor66 » Wed Jan 10, 2024 4:35 pm

I have an issue with a lot of calls, the queue seconds calculated are wrong for all of them, here is below an example:

this is the closer log

2023-12-29 22:27:21 3350 Info 438741 20231102 4724807 176.00 AGENT

the call entered the queue at 22:27:21 with a queue time mentioned of 176 seconds and a call length of 3350, the queue seconds are wrong
The record details are as below:

4724807 2023-12-29 23:10:03 788 2775175 20231229-141002_438741_9175798902

the record started at 23:10 so the difference between the closer log time and the record timestamp should be the queue seconds, The length is 788 seconds, so 3350 minus 788 is 2562, for me the 2562 seconds should be the queue seconds but actually it mentioned 176 queue seconds, and already I saw the call was in the queue for 2562 seconds, so it's storing wrong figures for queue seconds.

what should I check to know the issue and how can be solved if it's happened to anyone before?

noting that the drop seconds of the ingroup was 9999 seconds as the maximum and the timezones between the cluster servers are synchronized and it's correct.

my version:

VERSION: 2.14-696a
BUILD: 190108-0806
© 2019 ViciDial Group
Asterisk 13.29.2-vici
SVN 3261

I planned to upgrade my vicidial, but I guess the issue is not related to the vicidial version as it's newly happened, it wasn't happening before.
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Re: Queue Seconds is incorrect

Postby mflorell » Fri Jan 12, 2024 7:54 am

Since your VICIdial version is over 5 years old at this point, I'd REALLY suggest upgrading, given that there are many bugs and security fixes that have been committed since then. As for troubleshooting, there are not as many tools in that version to help diagnose any logging issues you might be having, so I would again recommend upgrading and see if the issue persists before trying to troubleshoot.
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