by rey_philip » Wed Dec 05, 2007 5:37 pm
Fist of all thanks for the response. Just like what I have thought. But I have some issues about the two dispositions/status, cause I looked at the vicidial_callbacks table. And mostly the callback_time field of which has a CALLBK status has already passed the current date, while in the CBHOLD mostly the callback_time field has not yet passed the current date.
Matt I have a question again, is it normal to see the callback_time field has passed the current date but the status is still CBHOLD? Cause I have seen some records on the vicidial_callbacks just like that. Are those leads possible to be dialed again by the agents? And what are some factors why this things are happening?
Actually I read some of the topics in this forums with regards to statuses and I have read one, it says there that if the agent disposed the lead as CALLBK it will be stored in the database as CBHOLD, after the callback_time field in the vicidial_callback has passed it will automatically change to CALLBK. So Im just curious on what Ive seen some weird cases.
Good day.