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exten => _355.,n,Dial(${TRUNK1}/${EXTEN:0},60,tTorR)
exten => _355.,n,Dial(${TRUNK1}/${EXTEN:0},55,tTo)
d001 wrote:Hello everyone, I hope you're all doing well!
I found the solution to this problem. I’m not sure if it will work in other countries, but it worked for me.
Let me explain briefly. As you mentioned, the server has a code map that indicates why a call is hung up. I discovered that the issue was in the dial plan.
This line in my dial plan was the reason the audio message wasn’t sent to my agent but only triggered the code map:
- Code: Select all
exten => _355.,n,Dial(${TRUNK1}/${EXTEN:0},60,tTorR)
I changed it to the following, and it works very well now:
- Code: Select all
exten => _355.,n,Dial(${TRUNK1}/${EXTEN:0},55,tTo)
Honestly, I’m a bit confused because I can’t fully explain why this happens, but I felt it was important to share the solution here.
Thanks a lot!
williamconley wrote:1) Why EXTEN:0? The number after the first ":" represents the number of digits to ... remove. Zero? LOL (doesn't hurt anything, just weird)
exten => _4355.,n,Dial(${TRUNKA}/${EXTEN:1},55,tTo)
williamconley wrote:2) Apparently you may look into the progressinband setting in sip.conf which may or may not be useful.
progressinband=no ; If we should generate in-band ringing always
williamconley wrote:3) R and r may have been arguing with each other as they have different viewpoints on ringing and even require different code presence. Perhaps one or the other would have been sufficient, but both is probably not a great idea.
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