called_count & maximum dial attempts

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called_count & maximum dial attempts

Postby callcrazy » Thu Oct 07, 2010 6:21 pm

My understanding of how vicidial operates is that a list is created, leads are added to this list and all leads are dialed until the list has been called through. If you want to dial the leads a second time the list needs to then be reset.

According to the manuals it states that in lead recycling only Busy status should be used in here. It seems this is so it will call busy numbers over and over even though the list has not been reset manually.

Resetting the list changes the leads called_since_last_reset back to 'N' and when recycled leads are dialed we find Y1, Y2, Y3....

vicidial_list.called_count field appears to only be referenced a few times in the source and the main function of this appears to be with the ordering of the leads UP or DOWN the list based on their called_count desc or asc.


Is there a max attempts setting per campaign? So that even if the list is reset it checks the called_count so that a lead hitting MAX_ATTEMPTS calls will be given a final status such as NO CONTACT and the lead will then die?

We are trying to maintain lists that will have real time leads inserted into the vicidial_list table directly and then sucked into the hopper based on filter criteria. We then want to dial those leads up to MAX_ATTEMPTS no matter what the disposition is other than a final status like SALE or NOT INTERESTRED without manual intervention of resetting the list.

In order to do this now it appears that we will have to run a job/script every number of minutes that will check called_count and force a status on leads where called_count >= 6 and reset called_since_last_reset back to 'N'. With this script running we will add all statuses like answering machines, busy, no answers, and everything else into lead recycle so that the leads will be pulled in and dialed based on recycle rules and the leads last call status and we will continue to call until called_count >= 6 which will take a higher priority than called_since_last_reset field.

TL;DR - Is there a MAX_ATTEMPTS setting for dialing leads by campaign?

Last edited by callcrazy on Thu Oct 14, 2010 2:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby williamconley » Thu Oct 07, 2010 6:30 pm

nope, interesting request though.

i just use the filter when i'm doing that (it is an available field ... and you can select based on that field being BELOW a specific number ...). then those leads will no longer be available when they've reached their maximum call quantity.

would be an interesting feature, though. you should post it on the VICIDIAL issue tracker. :)
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Postby callcrazy » Thu Oct 07, 2010 6:43 pm

OH MY! Never thought to just add that into the filters. That would get the desired effect. However, we would still need a script that would give them something like XX - NEVER CONTACTED AUTO or something to that effect so in the reports we can see how many leads are getting to the end.

Is there a script that runs already that sets statuses that could be modified in this manner?

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Postby williamconley » Thu Oct 07, 2010 6:51 pm

there is a begin url and end url that can run ANY script (when it "hits the barrier" you could change the status)

of course ... i'd just have a daily (hourly?) script run completely independently of vicidial to accomplish a task like that. put it in crontab and have it execute the sql query (bash, php, perl, whatever you're comfortable with). just have it check for those that have hit the barrier and modify the status (or move to a new list of "usedups" or "giveups" or "escalate", or whatever you want to do with them)
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Postby callcrazy » Thu Oct 07, 2010 6:59 pm

Thanks for the help and pointing me in a different more correct direction.
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Postby williamconley » Thu Oct 07, 2010 7:21 pm

i still think you ought to post it in the tracker. it may be useful. :)

pay me back by stopping by twice a week and pressing the "unanswered questions" button and answering ONE (twice a week! :) )

i'm here helping matt because his software seems to be generating a LOT of business for me. so i want LOTS of people using it!
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Postby callcrazy » Thu Oct 28, 2010 12:28 pm

I posted on the tracker.

One issue that I find now with simply putting this into the filter.

If I have one lead in the list and hopper and the primary phone is dialed and then the alternate number is dialed the called_count will be=2 for the lead. However, 100% of our campaigns run where we have a maximum attempts setup by the number not the record.

If we want a max of 6 attempts and in the filters put called_count <= 6 this works for numbers with 1 phone number...but when we start performing alternate dials we would need a called_count <=12 to get the same effect.

Any hints on that? ;)
Vicibox 6.0.4 from .iso | VERSION: 2.12-538a BUILD: 160122-1401 | Asterisk | 1xDB, 2xWeb, 7xPBX | Amfeltec Timers | Sangoma/Lyra AMD | Dell Hardware
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Postby williamconley » Thu Oct 28, 2010 1:10 pm

you COULD try a length of field check which would result in "1" for each of the phone number fields, and divide the called number by the result .


if the length of the phone_number field > 8 (the logical result will be "1" if true and "0" if false). so you will have that + the result of the alt_number and the address3 ... possible total 1 through 3 ... so you divide the total number of calls to the record by the result of that.

called_count / (length(phone_number)>8 + length(alt_phone)> 8 + length(address3)> 8 ) <= XX
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Postby callcrazy » Thu Oct 28, 2010 2:24 pm

Awesome. We had come to this very thinking and was working to implement, but your filter is a much cleaner way of handling this.

You win this round of I can write that feature in less than 2 lines :lol:
Vicibox 6.0.4 from .iso | VERSION: 2.12-538a BUILD: 160122-1401 | Asterisk | 1xDB, 2xWeb, 7xPBX | Amfeltec Timers | Sangoma/Lyra AMD | Dell Hardware
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Postby williamconley » Thu Oct 28, 2010 2:35 pm

on my business card:

"Solution Artist" 8)
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lead status change script

Postby jacobju » Mon Nov 08, 2010 6:06 pm

Hey callcrazy,

The Vicidial System have a Perl scrip call, you can use this script to change any lead status on your Vicidial System. Copy and paste the existing line, change the SQL update rule as wish and add this line on crontab of your system:

#put your own time rule
*/10 * * * * /usr/share/astguiclient/

save and exit

I have the same problem, I need to call a lot of times to my clients to get some sucessfull contact.


Thanks for your time, I'm on Brazil and got a lot of client using Vicidial with my help, we have a huge call center market and lot of opportunities.

I dont get any money yet, but I would be like you when I grow up. (^_^)
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Postby williamconley » Mon Nov 08, 2010 6:11 pm

I haven't decided what I want to be when I grow up yet. Except, of course, WELL above 100. That much I'm very sure of.
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Postby dspaan » Mon Dec 27, 2010 2:47 pm

callcrazy wrote:I posted on the tracker.

One issue that I find now with simply putting this into the filter.

If I have one lead in the list and hopper and the primary phone is dialed and then the alternate number is dialed the called_count will be=2 for the lead. However, 100% of our campaigns run where we have a maximum attempts setup by the number not the record.

If we want a max of 6 attempts and in the filters put called_count <= 6 this works for numbers with 1 phone number...but when we start performing alternate dials we would need a called_count <=12 to get the same effect.

Any hints on that? ;)

Callcrazy, can you post the Mantis issutracker link please? We also would like to have insight in our reports on Max attempts records. William explained how to make a filter for this but this still doesn't change the dial statuses in the reports.
Regards, Dennis

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Re: called_count & maximum dial attempts

Postby » Wed Feb 19, 2025 11:20 pm

We wrote a php script that can be put in a cron job that does something a bit better.
The ideas is to check the vicidial_log last 10 most recent calls (10 is a parameter that can be any number) were consecutive AA (AA is a parameter that can be any status), then that condition will update the status of that lead to AA10
note: if anything breaks the sequence of the last 10 attempts most recent calls from being AA in this example the then we don't change anything.
Then you can make a status "non selectable" of AA10 and dial those when your desperate or whatever might determine the need to dial someone who was answering machine 10 times in a row.

echo "Make sure specify the following parameters: " . PHP_EOL;
echo "php bw_status_cap.php 20 AA" . PHP_EOL;
echo " 20 = capped out, AA = status to be checked for cap" . PHP_EOL;
echo "Option to use the Archive Log, run as follows:";
echo "php bw_status_cap.php 20 AA checkarchive" . PHP_EOL;
echo "If you only want to test but not change anything, run as follows:";
echo "php bw_status_cap.php 20 AA checkarchive reportonly" . PHP_EOL;

It can process a few million leads leads in under a minute.
I can share the code but not sure if I should paste it in here or where I would uupload the script.
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Re: called_count & maximum dial attempts

Postby williamconley » Thu Feb 20, 2025 6:40 am

great for "lookback".

consider using "no agent URL" on the campaign to process ONE call at a time at termination. that way you can micromanage the call results for any reason and since it's only ONE lead being processed each time (and likely most won't qualify after a quick check) the CPU time shouldn't be an issue.
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