after some minor errs (like the dialer not working due to hanged calls on vicidial_auto_calls ) i got the dialer ringing.
now, i cant get it to accept inbound calls,
i fear this has something to do with the changes to the dial plant and/or load balancing
(i only have one server)
any help, ideas?
after calling seems to say
|INSERT INTO vicidial_closer_log set status='DROP',start_epoch='1197337910',end_epoch='1197337910',length_in_sec='1',queue_seconds='0',lead_id = '699024',campaign_id='SCOTIA_C',user='VDCL',list_id='',call_date='2007-12-10 21:51:50',phone_code='',phone_number='',comments='AFTER HOURS DROP';|
2007-12-10 21:51:50|agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi|-- VDCL vl update: |1|699024|
|UPDATE vicidial_list set status='DROP' where lead_id = '699024';|
any clues? i have it set to 24 hour calling, after hours action to extension and the after hour extension is a hangup, but, it shouldnt even get there?[/quote]