Caller ID Name and Number

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Caller ID Name and Number

Postby PrimePro » Sun Jan 06, 2008 1:57 pm

My SIP trunk provider is VoipStreet. Their knowledge base indicates that I can transmit both name and number for CID.

Outbound Caller ID: Your Name <5554441212>

I understand that asterisk currently formats the 10 digit number with the <>, but I need to also transmit caller ID name. I've seen a thread on here that seems to imply it's possible, but when I've tried this the CID on the target phones comes up as "unknown".

Please advise as I have a "detractor" who is claiming the the dialer is non-compliant because it does not transmit both name and number.
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Postby williamconley » Sun Jan 06, 2008 4:38 pm

A) This is not a vicidal "issue" (it's about Asterisk)
B) This is not an "issue" at all, really

i use voipstreet presently and the scratch install of vicidial transmits both name and number. VOIP however has one small difference to copper in that it is not a Member of anyone's "in" crowd. Many telephone services only provide "Names" from specific databases instead of from the data stream provided to them during the call. In that way you cannot just make up a name any time you like, it must be previously associated with a number in the existing database and uploaded by your telephone provider. No more calls from Britney Spears, unless you ARE getting a call from Britney Spears.

For instance, if you use FreePBX you can add "Name" <9999999999> as your caller id and transmit caller id and caller name, but that information will only go as far as your voip provider (voipstreet) can transmit it. Once it leaves their network, it becomes ONLY caller id without the name. On some networks it may be "reunited" with the name if it is in their database.

This can also be accomplished with pure (no front end) asterisk, there are values to be set before initiating the call.

The funny thing is that the last time this question came up, it was just that the "name" was not recorded in a manager's Cell Phone so he was sure that something was wrong, because all the OTHER numbers came up right. Added the name to his cell phone and suddenly it worked. And he was happy. And we lived happily ever after.

Name service is not as ... simple ... as callerid (number) service.
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Postby PrimePro » Sun Jan 06, 2008 5:48 pm

I've noticed conflicting information on VoipStreets website. In the setup there are instructions for properly formated caller ID Name/Number information.

However, on their site they also state that they do not transmit caller id name information.

I can live with having the name information not transmitted as long as it's NOT my company name which currently seems to be the case.
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Postby mflorell » Mon Jan 07, 2008 3:52 pm

CallerIDname lookup is done separately from the CallerIDnumber display on the customer side(called party). Name is looked up in the SS7 network and the called carrier will try to do a lookup of the name by sending the number to the carrier of record for the callerIDnumber that was sent with the call. This is also the reason some VOIP providers actually charge you extra per call to get callerIDname information sent with incoming calls.
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