Auto Dialing Stopped Working

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Auto Dialing Stopped Working

Postby thedonvaughn » Tue Feb 05, 2008 4:40 pm

I am running vicidial 2.0.4 with asterisk 1.4.17 with a load average on vici server is about .23 - .30.

I have been running vici for about 2 weeks without much issues at all. However about 15 - 20 minutes ago all of our "RATIO" dialing campiagns completely stopped auto dialing.

"Manual dialing" method works fine, infact we are using that temporarily so my sales department can atleast work.
Any help on troubleshooting why auto-dialing stopped working suddenly would be greatly appreciated.

I have all the necessary scripts running.
Code: Select all
Skeeter:~# screen -ls
There are screens on:
   16273.ASTVDadapt   (Detached)
   28180.ASTVDauto   (Detached)
   4175.ASTupdate   (Detached)
   4177.ASTsend   (Detached)
   4179.ASTlisten   (Detached)
   4187.ASTfastlog   (Detached)
6 Sockets in /var/run/screen/S-root.


I even restarted all the scripts, but still same result.
Auto dialing is not working.
The hopper is loading the leads fine. I see the leads loaded into the hopper.

My database server, my web server, and vici server are all synced via ntp.

Not sure what else could be causing this.
Last edited by thedonvaughn on Tue Feb 05, 2008 5:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Posts: 29
Joined: Wed Jan 16, 2008 1:15 pm

Postby thedonvaughn » Tue Feb 05, 2008 4:58 pm

Code: Select all
Skeeter:~# screen -ls
There are screens on:
   16273.ASTVDadapt   (Detached)
   28180.ASTVDauto   (Detached)
   4175.ASTupdate   (Detached)
   4177.ASTsend   (Detached)
   4179.ASTlisten   (Detached)
   4187.ASTfastlog   (Detached)
6 Sockets in /var/run/screen/S-root.

Sorry they are all running.
Last edited by thedonvaughn on Tue Feb 05, 2008 5:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 29
Joined: Wed Jan 16, 2008 1:15 pm

Postby thedonvaughn » Tue Feb 05, 2008 5:19 pm

Also here is a cut n paste from ASTVDauto.

Right now the "testing" campaign is set to RATIO dial of 1.
My test agent is just setting there "Ready" and no calls are going out.

Hope this helps.

Code: Select all
loop counter: |5759948|
TIME DEBUG: -6.00|-6.00|0|   GMT: 22:17
2008-02-05 16:17:35|LIVE AGENTS LOGGED IN: 7   ACTIVE CALLS: 566|
2008-02-05 16:17:35|OLD TRUNK SHORTS CLEARED: 2 |'','TESTING','1000'||
2008-02-05 16:17:35|TESTING agents: 1     dial_level: 1|
2008-02-05 16:17:35|TESTING Calls to place: -542 (1 - 0) 566 MVT override: 24 |-542 1| OTHER LIMIT override: 24|
2008-02-05 16:17:35|CAMPAIGN DIFFERENTIAL: 1   1   (1 - 0)|
2008-02-05 16:17:35|LOCAL TRUNK SHORTAGE: 1|1  (24 - 24)|
2008-02-05 16:17:35|1000 agents: 0     dial_level: 0|
2008-02-05 16:17:35|1000 Calls to place: -542 (566 - 566) 566 MVT override: 24 |-542 0| OTHER LIMIT override: 24|
2008-02-05 16:17:35|CAMPAIGN DIFFERENTIAL: 8   0   (0 - 0)|
2008-02-05 16:17:35|LOCAL TRUNK SHORTAGE: 0|0  (24 - 24)|
2008-02-05 16:17:35|TESTING CALLING|
2008-02-05 16:17:35|1000 CALLING|
TIME DEBUG: -6.00|-6.00|0|   GMT: 22:17
2008-02-05 16:17:35||     lagged call vla agent PAUSED 0E0|20080205161705|20080205161725|20080205161735||
2008-02-05 16:17:35||     lagged call vac agent DELETED 0E0|2008-02-05 16:15:35||
2008-02-05 16:17:35||     logindate UPDATED 2|'TESTING','1000'||

loop counter: |5759947|
TIME DEBUG: -6.00|-6.00|0|   GMT: 22:17
2008-02-05 16:17:38|LIVE AGENTS LOGGED IN: 7   ACTIVE CALLS: 566|
2008-02-05 16:17:38|OLD TRUNK SHORTS CLEARED: 2 |'','TESTING','1000'||
2008-02-05 16:17:38|TESTING agents: 1     dial_level: 1|
2008-02-05 16:17:38|TESTING Calls to place: -542 (1 - 0) 566 MVT override: 24 |-542 1| OTHER LIMIT override: 24|
2008-02-05 16:17:38|CAMPAIGN DIFFERENTIAL: 1   1   (1 - 0)|
2008-02-05 16:17:38|LOCAL TRUNK SHORTAGE: 1|1  (24 - 24)|
2008-02-05 16:17:38|1000 agents: 0     dial_level: 0|
2008-02-05 16:17:38|1000 Calls to place: -542 (566 - 566) 566 MVT override: 24 |-542 0| OTHER LIMIT override: 24|
2008-02-05 16:17:38|CAMPAIGN DIFFERENTIAL: 8   0   (0 - 0)|
2008-02-05 16:17:38|LOCAL TRUNK SHORTAGE: 0|0  (24 - 24)|
2008-02-05 16:17:38|TESTING CALLING|
2008-02-05 16:17:38|1000 CALLING|
Posts: 29
Joined: Wed Jan 16, 2008 1:15 pm

Postby thedonvaughn » Tue Feb 05, 2008 5:45 pm

Ok, evidence is pointing towards I corrupted a table in vici's database.
I was loaded a 100,000 count lead. It had completed when this happened 10 minutes later.

I am investigating this, but my vicidial troubleshooting skills are lacking at best. Where would I start with this?
Posts: 29
Joined: Wed Jan 16, 2008 1:15 pm

Postby thedonvaughn » Tue Feb 05, 2008 5:59 pm

Sorry to keep posting :)

I see what's going on. It thinks there are WAY too many Active Calls.

Right now there is only _1_ real active call and it says over 600. So it takes 600 and takes my maximum allowed vicidial trunks and it comes up with a negative number. It's saying Calls to Place -517. How can I reset the active call field? Which table?

oop counter: |5759889|
TIME DEBUG: -6.00|-6.00|0| GMT: 22:58
2008-02-05 16:58:21|LIVE AGENTS LOGGED IN: 0 ACTIVE CALLS: 613|
2008-02-05 16:58:21|OLD TRUNK SHORTS CLEARED: 4 |''||
2008-02-05 16:58:21| : agents: dial_level: 0|
2008-02-05 16:58:21| : Calls to place: -517 (0 - 0) 613 MVT override: 96 |-517 0| OTHER LIMIT override: 96|
2008-02-05 16:58:21|CAMPAIGN DIFFERENTIAL: 0 0 (0 - 0)|
2008-02-05 16:58:21|LOCAL TRUNK SHORTAGE: 0|0 (96 - 96)|
2008-02-05 16:58:21| : CALLING|
TIME DEBUG: -6.00|-6.00|0| GMT: 22:58
2008-02-05 16:58:21|| lagged call vla agent PAUSED 0E0|20080205165751|20080205165811|200
Posts: 29
Joined: Wed Jan 16, 2008 1:15 pm

Postby thedonvaughn » Tue Feb 05, 2008 6:11 pm

Thanks guys.
I just had to talk myself through it. Sorry to flood the forums :)

I found the 613 rogue records in vicidial_auto_calls table. I cleared that out and I was good to go.
Code: Select all
mysql> delete from vicidial_auto_calls;
Query OK, 613 rows affected (0.03 sec)

Posts: 29
Joined: Wed Jan 16, 2008 1:15 pm

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