2.04 Lead Loader Issue

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2.04 Lead Loader Issue

Postby nobesnickr » Wed Feb 06, 2008 7:32 pm

I seem to be having a pretty weird problem with the Lead Loader in Vicidial 2.04 (running on Ubuntu 6.06, Apache, MySQL 5.022, PHP5 )

I have traced the steps and seem to have found the problem (i think) but wanted to post on here to have my thoughts checked and share my issue with others.

The short story is, we got our new batch of leads (from the same supplier as always) and when we tried to upload them the system came back and said EVERY lead was a duplicate. Thinking they just sent me the wrong list on accident i checked one of the leads manually in the mysql database to see if it was in there and it was not. So I reloaded the list and got one of the number it was thinking was a duplicate and checked it in the database and it certainly was in there. This leads me to believe it has something to do with caching the last list we uploaded. Now that I have no clue where this issue lies I started taking pot shots to find a solution, i cleared all my cache and eaccelerator cache files and same issue. I ran a search and found that the vicidial_temp_file.csv wasn't being changed after the leads were uploaded. I checked the permissions of the file and the folder and they are set correctly. Then I loaded a list from a while ago and found that is was loading correctly and accurately determining the leads were duplicate which leads me to beleive the issue is somehow related to the actual csv file.

I check the new csv file we got today and altough it looks like it is in the correct format there are many extra spaces that really shouldnt be there. For example.

The list that works looks like this
Code: Select all
JANE,AUSTIN,720 ORLEY PL,BEL AIR,MD,21014,6821,HARFORD,4108367745

And the list that doenst looks like this
Code: Select all
CHRISTOPHER    ,FARRELLY                      ,2518 228TH ST            ,PASADENA        ,MD,21122,7206,ANNE ARUNDEL             ,4103602151
CHANG          ,NAM                           ,940 BALLENTREE CT        ,ALPHARETTA      ,GA,30005,2560,FULTON                   ,7707726306
CYNTHIA        ,WILSON                        ,1496 GREENWILLOW DR      ,CONLEY          ,GA,30288,1943,CLAYTON                  ,4043616326
CHARLOTTE      ,SMITH                         ,7002 CONCORD RD          ,PIKESVILLE      ,MD,21208,6003,BALTIMORE                ,4106537639
ADRIENNE       ,COVINGTON                     ,2806 CLAYBROOKE DR       ,WINDSOR MILL    ,MD,21244,2014,BALTIMORE                ,4102989533

So, my final thoughts for the day is that the loader is seeing all the extra spaces and figuring it is space seperated and comma seperated and getting confused and instead of posting an error it is just using the last list that was loaded (by not changing the vicidial_temp_file.csv and then pulling from it) and accurately marking them as duplicates.

I know that was REALLY long and i apologize, hopefully its not much info.

I am going to try and get the list resent to me or at least right a php script to trim() the file from the extra spaces to ensure that is where the problem is.

If anyone has any input it would be GREATLY appreciated.

Thank you again, as always, I really appreciate everyones help.
Posts: 56
Joined: Thu Nov 01, 2007 6:44 pm

Postby nobesnickr » Wed Feb 06, 2008 7:55 pm

It turns out the space issue was the problem. I ran the leads through a csv optimizer and it removed the spaces and now it works perfectly.

I dont know how hard of an issue it would be to trim() the leads as they are loaded but that might help the confusion for some others lol
Posts: 56
Joined: Thu Nov 01, 2007 6:44 pm

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