looking at reports (a lot today) and one large discrepency seemed to be between calls answered on the real time summary and calls answered on the VDAD_stats page.
This seems to be because the real time screen gets its data from a row in a table generated by one of the perl scripts which only counts answered calls as ones which are set as "human answered" in the vicidial statuses table. One major ommission if the scratch install is followed is the CBHOLD status which we use to great extent.
I have added CBHOLD to the list of statuses as selectable:N human_answered:Y . as it is set by doing a "My callback" after the agents have spoken to somebody.
Would this cause any issues?
Another interesting one is that on the VDADstats page it only counts calls that have a length_in_sec of greater than 4 seconds. What would be the reson for this? - It is very common for the agents to dispo as Answermachine after maybe 2 or 3 seconds and these by default do not show on the report so I have change it to greater than zero seconds.