by mcargile » Tue Mar 25, 2008 9:42 am
The first thing you should do is set it up to record to a ramdrive.
The developers of Asterisk felt that it was imperative to capture every single frame of audio to a file when recording. To this end they do absolutely no buffering when recording because if Asterisk were to crash that buffer would not necessarily make it to the file. This is wonderful if you need this feature but horrible if you are recording a bunch of call simultaneously like in VICIDIAL. The reason being is that your harddrive becomes a bottle neck. This bottle neck will cause the load on the system to spike which will make Asterisk start to drop frames. When you configure Asterisk to record to a ramdrive this bottle neck goes away. You just need to make sure to transfer the file out of the ramdrive, because if the system were to crash all the files in the ramdrive will be lost. The transfer can be to a local harddrive or to an ftp server on your network.
Michael Cargile | Director of Engineering | ViciDialGroup |
The official source for VICIDIAL services and support. 1-888-894-VICI (8424)