Agent personal calls loophole fix

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Agent personal calls loophole fix

Postby mcargile » Tue Mar 25, 2008 9:14 pm

To ensure proper handling of DTMF in asterisk it is a requirement to have 't' and 'T' as options in your outbound dial commands in your Asterisk dialplan. This however has a few side effects that are not entirely pleasant. Most notably, if an agent were to press the correct key sequence in their phone they would be able to transfer themselves to any number available in the Asterisk dialplan. This means they could in fact "transfer" themselves to their mother's home phone, their girlfriend's cellphone, or into another agent's conference. We have recently discovered a workaround for this which effectively disables this method of transfer without effecting VICIDIAL's transfer capabilities. This is done by setting the DTMF key sequence that is use to initiate this method of transfer to a key that most phones do not have nor Asterisk is even capable of processing. This is done by adding the following to the [featuremap] section of features.conf in Asterisk:

Code: Select all
blindxfer => D

This line should be currently commented out, not exist, or set to #, or #1. By setting it to D you are basically setting it to a DTMF tone that only certain telco hand sets are able to produce. This tone is also outside the frequency range of Asterisk's DTMF detection.

If you are currently using your VICIDIAL server as your company's general PBX and you use the # key to transfer calls, you should either think about getting a separate system for your PBX or getting someone who knows Asterisk and VICIDIAL very well to verify that your dialplan minimizes the impact from this.
Michael Cargile | Director of Engineering | ViciDialGroup |

The official source for VICIDIAL services and support. 1-888-894-VICI (8424)
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