What could corrupt a campaign?

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What could corrupt a campaign?

Postby BenZM » Mon Jun 02, 2008 3:59 pm

I have vicidial and have 2.0.4

this is the situation:

copied a camoaign - this is the one that I usually do and works 100% of the time. Did this with a new one, loaded a new list. Campaign screen and lists screen show it. there are leads in the hopper not a sit. When look at the Live Current Hopper list, there is nothing there, and user waits without any calls. We tried Manual Dial as well as Ratio, no joy! When looking at the Modify Lists screen, per the called count, it shows that it was dialed (when it definitely wasn't) and it also right next to it says that it was not dialed - contrary fact. Please can you tell me what could this be? What or where in the DB could have corrupted to create this?!? :?

Thanks again guys you have a great forum and the answers are always helpful.
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Postby mflorell » Mon Jun 02, 2008 4:12 pm

Any Asterisk CLI output on this?

What exactly do you mean by:
"per the called count, it shows that it was dialed (when it definitely wasn't) and it also right next to it says that it was not dialed"? show us the stats from that page.
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Postby BenZM » Mon Jun 02, 2008 4:48 pm

Thanks for the answer Matt that was real quick.

No and we had to get online on a rigth away basis so could not test.

Have worked out a workaround where I made a new campaign and then moved the list over. that seems to have worked for the most part.

However what could have caused that sort of situation? What might have created it? That is where I am at right now.

As for your question, it looks as though there was a mis duplication on my end and this was not the case as it was not present save once and this was changed.
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Postby mflorell » Mon Jun 02, 2008 5:08 pm

There are all sorts of little misconfigurations ir settings that could cause what you described which is why I asked for the Asterisk CLI first, it can help to identify where to look for the problem next.
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