Auto dial suddenly stops

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Auto dial suddenly stops

Postby reland02 » Tue Jul 22, 2008 8:51 pm

Hi all,

My auto dial works perfectly fine but it suddently stops when agents logs back in, dunno whats the reason i do not make any changes in my extension.conf niether also with the campaign is set to ration = 3.0. I can see there is a lead load in hopper, I even try to make a test campaign with the same settings but still no luck. Do you guys encounter this kind of problem :( . Thanks
Posts: 49
Joined: Fri Jun 29, 2007 11:32 am

Postby reland02 » Tue Jul 22, 2008 9:38 pm

Hi all,

I figure out the problem, when I check the vdautodial logs I found out this kind problems below is the logs

2008-07-22 19:22:06|| lagged call vla agent PAUSED 0E0|20080722192136|20080722192156|20080722192206||
2008-07-22 19:22:06|| lagged call vac agent DELETED 0E0|2008-07-22 19:20:06||
2008-07-22 19:22:06|| logindate UPDATED 1|'FMOTION'||
2008-07-22 19:22:08|LIVE AGENTS LOGGED IN: 1 ACTIVE CALLS: 97|
2008-07-22 19:22:08|OLD TRUNK SHORTS CLEARED: 5 |'','FMOTION'||
2008-07-22 19:22:08|FMOTION agents: 1 dial_level: 1.0|
2008-07-22 19:22:08|FMOTION Calls to place: -3 (1 - 4) 97 |
2008-07-22 19:22:08|CAMPAIGN DIFFERENTIAL: 0.5 0.5 (0.5 - 0)|
2008-07-22 19:22:08|LOCAL TRUNK SHORTAGE: 0|0 (94 - 96)|
2008-07-22 19:22:08|FMOTION CALLING|
2008-07-22 19:22:08|| lagged call vla agent PAUSED 0E0|20080722192138|20080722192158|20080722192208||
2008-07-22 19:22:08|| lagged call vac agent DELETED 0E0|2008-07-22 19:20:08||
2008-07-22 19:22:08|| logindate UPDATED 1|'FMOTION'||
2008-07-22 19:22:08|| lagged call vac agent DELETED 0E0|2008-07-22 19:12:08|LIVE||
2008-07-22 19:22:08|| updating server parameters 96|8365|-5|default||

there are no agent login only me it has to be 0 active calls but I see 97 active calls in logs and when I press resume in my vicidial agent interface and check from the realtime its not dialing. So I try to run this command and and check the vdautodial logs and I can see the logs that the active calls resets to 0. so I login back from the agent interface and press the resume. seems to be ok now I can see from the RTM that the leads in hopper is now being dialed :D , thanks
Posts: 49
Joined: Fri Jun 29, 2007 11:32 am

Postby mflorell » Tue Jul 22, 2008 9:53 pm

Looks like not all of your dead calls are being deleted from vicidial_auto_calls database table.

I would recommend checking that the call_log FastAGI process is called in every context you have in your dialplan.
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