Can Remote agents use the VICIDIAL client application?

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Can Remote agents use the VICIDIAL client application?

Postby sswilli99 » Sun Jan 25, 2009 8:21 pm

Hi I am setting a up a new install of VICIDIALNOW and am going to have some of my agents be remote agents. I would still like them to be able to use the client application with the script and web form. Also the dispostioning of the calls. is there a way for them to log in and have it dial an external/remote number, or for them to log in and Vicidial to see that they are active as a remote agent and not need the constant connection?

any thoughts?


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Postby williamconley » Mon Jan 26, 2009 12:22 am

under admin, the phones do not need to be local sip or iax. they can also be external. i use my cell phone to test each box to be sure this method works. remote does not necessarily mean physically remote, it refers more to "not logged in".
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Postby sswilli99 » Mon Jan 26, 2009 12:36 am

ok, yes I just checked that and it works great. Thanks
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Postby sswilli99 » Sat Jan 31, 2009 6:34 pm

ok now the next question is, do the agents have to be always on if logged in. I have times that inbound remote agents need to be away from computer or phone, and come back to it when the phone rings. Is there a way that a remote agent could be logged into the Queue but not have to be in an always on mode.

I just dont see the functionality for remote agents to be able to use the client/agent application without the always on function. Can that be changed or modified?

Thanks Again,

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Postby mflorell » Sat Jan 31, 2009 9:57 pm

If you want full VICIDIAL functionality the agents do need to be logged in on the agent interface and the phone needs to be off-hook.

You do have the option of using Remote Agents if you want the agent's phone to ring, but you loose a lot of functionality like most agent logging and use of the vicidial.php web interface if you choose to do that?
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Postby williamconley » Sun Feb 01, 2009 12:01 am

The Terminology often escapes those unfamiliar with the system.

"Remote Agent" is NOT an indication of their location in the world. It merely indicates that they are NOT logged in.

"Agent Log-In" requires that the agent be present at their computer with their phone in hand (or on head).

Remote Agent CANNOT disposition a call. Your system will never know the result of the call. This can be dangerous as it can lead to calling someone over and over again, unless used properly.

Agent Log-In will require that the agent be available at the instant the prospect answers their phone and requires that the Agent "disposition" each call after it completes before it will dial for the agent again and allow the agent another phone call.

Once again: Remote means remote from Vicidial and/or their phone, not from your office.

Remote Agent is activated by a manager or user on the system, and deactivated the same way (leaving it on all night is a bummer, by the way). This is done in the "Administration" log in under "Remote Agents"

"Agent Log-In" is accomplished by ... the "Agent Log-in" button! (instead of the "Administration" login) and is seperate and secure from the rest of the system, designed to allow the agents their own information set and abilities, completely segregated from the Administration screens.
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Postby sswilli99 » Sun Feb 01, 2009 12:14 am

Thanks William for that detailed explanation. I did understand most of that as I have been emersing myself inthe managers manual and this forum for the last couple of weeks.

My question was simply can an agent use the Log in Interface if not tied to the phone. but come back to the computer if the phone rings so that they can disposition the calls and things of that nature that, as you stated are so very important.

I am using VICIDIAL as an inbound call center and there are times when I need agents to be "on call" if a call comes in, but not necassarily in front of the computer and logged into the phone the entire time.

mflorell I think explained it very clearly and thanks for that as well.

Thanks again

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Postby williamconley » Sun Feb 01, 2009 12:17 am

If the agent is logged in, the phone WILL NOT RING. The process of logging in entails answering the phone. After that moment, the phone never rings again because the agent's ear is already attached to it (we generally use Superglue, to be effective). They never hang up the phone.

So to answer your question: NO
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Postby sswilli99 » Sun Feb 01, 2009 12:41 am

Thanks already stated above by mflorell. but to your credit, yours was much more colorful :lol:
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Postby williamconley » Sun Feb 01, 2009 12:43 am

Yep. When I train agents personally, they remember. :twisted:
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Problem with inbound config in vicidialnow

Postby motilal » Wed Mar 11, 2009 3:26 pm

i purchased manager manual for configuring vicidialnow for inbound. and i tried to do. but i failed.

whereas DID no hitting my asterisk, but calls are not connecting to the agents. Please help me to solve this problem immediately.

if there is any changes needed in extensions.conf pls provide me a working file.

thanks in advance
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Re: Problem with inbound config in vicidialnow

Postby williamconley » Wed Mar 11, 2009 3:30 pm

motilal wrote:i purchased manager manual for configuring vicidialnow for inbound. and i tried to do. but i failed.

whereas DID no hitting my asterisk, but calls are not connecting to the agents. Please help me to solve this problem immediately.

if there is any changes needed in extensions.conf pls provide me a working file.

thanks in advance

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