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lemmor27 wrote:thanks again.
seems like i am going somewhere now.
i was able to locate the $GET and $POST part on the vdc_db_query.php
i added this part.
if (isset($_GET["ordernumber"])) {$order_number=$_GET["ordernumber"];}
elseif (isset($_POST["ordernumber"])) {$order_number=$_POST["ordernumber"];}
and have something like this on the dispo part
$stmt = "UPDATE vicidial_closer_log set status='$dispo_choice', ordernum='$order_number' where lead_id='$lead_id' and user='$user' order by closecallid desc limit 1;";
but all that it gives me is a blank "ordernum" which is one step forward because i have it as "null" by default, i was thinking that it now passes the value but it doesn't get the value that the agent inputted.
i supposed when you press "Hangup Customer" on agent interface it means submit? or am i getting this wrong...
thanks again.
williamconley wrote:On the other hand ... dob is already in the table.
For income you could use another field you aren't using ("title"?) and just rename it on the agent screen
... and make the birthday visible.
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