by kchung » Fri Sep 15, 2006 12:32 am
When in our various admin pages, it'd be nice to be able to create new users, campaigns or phones based on template objects.
I tend tend to create many of the same things over and over again, such as new users, new phones for the new users, or new campaigns and they are very similar to existing objects.
Here's an example idea for user account templates:
When you're in the "Add New User" screen, have a dropdown box labeled "Based on:", which contains the following selections: New Template, New Unique and names of existing templates.
To create a new template, select New Template. When you submit, it creates a new user template. The the name field would be the template name and password field would be ignored. Continue to edit the user template and save changes
When you create additional new users, fill out name, pass, phone, phonepass. If you want to create a user based on a existing template, select the template name in the "Based on:" dropbox and choose next. For new unique user, just select "New Unique".
Users List would be changed as well. After listing all the users, there would be a secton labeled "Template Listing:" which lists all the template users in the system, laid out just like the Users Listing above.
When you modify a user, have a "Copy Settings From: "dropdown box after Phone Pass, which contains a list of the templates would reset user settings based on the template.
Now, apply these concepts to creating new campaigns and phones!