Campaign Reporting

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Campaign Reporting

Postby enjay » Wed Sep 20, 2006 10:14 am

Is there enough data stored in the databases to do a report that would do something like:


9:30am - People logged into Campaign 1000
Basic statistics (like the ones that are already in agent performance detail)
10:45am - People logged out of Campaign 1000

10:46am - People logged into Campaign 1001
Basic statistics (like the ones that are already in agent performance detail)
12:15pm - People logged out of Campaign 1001

12:45pm - People logged into Campaign 1000
Basic statistics (like the ones that are already in agent performance detail)
2:30pm - People logged out of Campaign 1000

The reason I ask this is because I would like to see more of when people were ACTUALLY IN the campaign as opposed to just a AM/PM selection with very little idea of what actual times they were in the campaign.

Is this data in the database somehow?

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Postby mflorell » Wed Sep 20, 2006 10:21 am

It should all be in there, it will just take a lot of programming to do it. The times in the agent_log for activities are stored as epoch(seconds since Jan 1, 1970)
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