Autodial Campign Settings for an Outbound Campaign(10Agents)

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Autodial Campign Settings for an Outbound Campaign(10Agents)

Postby lemic » Fri Jun 26, 2009 9:49 pm

Hello guys just want to ask what is the best settings for an oubound campaing with 10 agents on the line.

I have been in trouble lately with my autodial settings. I have logged in all the agents and already pressed the resume button but when I look at the Real-Time Screen of the campaign the statuses of the agents are paused.

Is there something wrong with this which is keeping me not to call?

thanks in advance guys.
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Postby williamconley » Sun Jun 28, 2009 3:09 am

ordinarily this happens when agents don't disposition call call or forget to resume or some combination thereof.

it also happens when the "slow" setting is in effect for the manager's real-time screen (refreshes infrequently so your view is stale). to resolve that ... push "go".

they may also get paused if they don't show activity for too long (system thinks they walked away from their station).

best bet is to find a situation where there's an actual problem (if the screen says they are logged in ... but the recently refreshed real time scren says they aren't, then there's a problem ...) otherwise, it's workin alright.
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