Match Reports

Discussions about development of VICIDIAL and astGUIclient

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Match Reports

Postby omarrodriguezt » Sat Jul 25, 2009 10:37 am


Its possible that for the new version, the total time that is in the VDAD CAMPAIGN OUTBOUND REPORT match with the total time in the AGENT PERFORMANCE DETAIL ?

This is my information:
Version: 2.0.5
DB Schema Version: 1135

Looking in the php code I found that in the Agent Performance Detail query there is a condition [lead_id is not null] that is not in the VDAD CAMPAIGN DETAILS query.

If this is not a bug please disregard the message.

Thank you in advance.
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Postby mflorell » Sat Jul 25, 2009 5:09 pm

Thos two reports pull from different log tables and measure different metrics. We have made some logging changes in SVN trunk that should make these two closer to matching, but they are not meant to match perfectly.
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Ok. understood

Postby omarrodriguezt » Mon Jul 27, 2009 2:56 pm

Thank you for your follow up.

But at least the total agent hours come from the same source (vicidial_agent_log table's)

Being more specific:

Variable $AGENTsec,
file: AST_VDADstats.php
Line 482

This is the query:

$stmt="SELECT sum(pause_sec + wait_sec + talk_sec + dispo_sec) from vicidial_agent_log where event_time >= '$query_date_BEGIN' and event_time <= '$query_date_END' $group_SQLand and pause_sec<36000 and wait_sec<36000 and talk_sec<36000 and dispo_sec<36000;";

and in the AST_agent_performance_detail.php, line 228:

$stmt="select count(*) as calls,sum(talk_sec) as talk,full_name,vicidial_users.user,sum(pause_sec),sum(wait_sec),sum(dispo_sec),status from vicidial_users,vicidial_agent_log where event_time <= '$query_date_END' and event_time >= '$query_date_BEGIN' and vicidial_users.user=vicidial_agent_log.user and campaign_id='" . mysql_real_escape_string($group) . "' and pause_sec<36000 and wait_sec<36000 and talk_sec<36000 and dispo_sec<36000 $ugSQL group by user,full_name,status order by full_name,user,status desc limit 500000;";

If you put same filters in both querys you will see same results.

I'm newbie in vicidial, but I really like the system.
I'm just to trying be of help.

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Postby mflorell » Mon Jul 27, 2009 2:59 pm

That is the reason we created the Agent Time Detail report in SVN trunk.
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