Vicidial and Goldmine CRM Integration

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Vicidial and Goldmine CRM Integration

Postby dlasry » Tue Aug 18, 2009 1:50 am

We are looking to create an integration between Vicidial and GoldMine CRM V6.7. This is not a web based CRM. My objective is to the load the leads into both databases (mysql for Vicidial and Dbase for Goldmine). When Vicidial sends the call to the agent, I would like to “pop” this customers info on the goldmine CRM.
Agents are using X-Lite softphones and ViciBox server (most recent version) is installed.
The simpler the solution, the more attractive it will be to me. I would prefer not to modify any of the databases.

Looking forward to hearing from you re your quotes and estimates.

Thank You
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Postby mflorell » Wed Aug 19, 2009 6:34 am

Does Goldmine have any form of API that allows you to send it commands?
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Postby dlasry » Wed Aug 19, 2009 9:00 am

There is an API. I am checking what exactly is included and will get back to you.

Thank You
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Postby williamconley » Sun Sep 06, 2009 3:28 pm

I have worked with Goldmine for ... several years. Primarily the Enterprise (SQL) version, as the dBase version is unstable and not suitable for many users. But I do love Goldmine.

Integration is painful and honestly SugarCRM is much more powerful when it comes right down to it. This is a recent development, as the SugarCRM system was not up to "par" before version 5.2, but has actually made great headway towards being 'useful' by comparison to Goldmine. As of 5.2, the only serious issue we've observed (watching clients using both) is that SugarCRM CE does not have an automated method of attaching email from a client to a client's record (one must tell sugarcrm specifically unless one purchases software that suits this purpose).

Otherwise, SugarCRM is superior in almost all ways to Goldmine simply by virtue of its MySQL/PHP (scriptable) base and constant FREE upgrades. I won't even talk about the pricing when you get Goldmine up over 20 users, which Sugar doesn't even blink at.

That being said, integration can be achieved ... but I have not found a "FREE" integration solution, we have hand-built all of ours and obviously we do most of it through MSSQL since the dBase version is not usable for any of our clients. (Get eight customer service reps, two managers, an owner and a shipping clerk constantly working in Goldmine with individual user licenses working in dBase ... and you won't have to wait for the crashes, they'll be along momentarily)

And be careful with "Platinum Partners" in the FrontRange Solutions vendor system. They will, as a rule, charge upwards of $10k and basically just build a shared screen flat-file system "one size fits all" that is the same thing they built for the last client but with YOUR field names. No "normalizing" of the data, no ease of use and certainly no ease of integration with Dialers or the like.

that being said:

Goldmine DOES speak TAPI, which is cool (dial from a button in GM through your phone system).

When you learn that Goldmine has two "Main" storage facilities:

the Contact1/Contact2 tables (joined at the hip, 1:1 ratio, the contact2 table is primarily just for custom fields and the record is only created for that client IF you use one of the custom fields, otherwise it saves the room and doesn't create the record for that client);

and "CONTSUP" which is a customizable "create your own fields" catch-all table designed to allow a 1:many relationship to normalize data (so you can keep all the CC info or a list of shipments, or a list of ANYTHING pertaining to each client) and the field modifer allows for creating a "tab" for each defined "type" of record.

it's a cool system, but somewhat antiquated. in the SQL form, however, it is at least stable even with a lot of users. most of my clients are "dumping" Goldmine in favor of custom SQL or Sugar (which is easily customized, but has thousands of Consultants able to work with it in case you decide you dont like your Technician on staff and suddenly need help).

rant over.
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