Going to the point, I use to launch the script screen each time a call is gotten however if there are previous callbacks I have no idea of the comments entered in them.
I did a query I use at my desk to display a long string per lead in a certain campaign/list with these previous comments in the format of date1->comment1 ** date2->comment2 ...
select lead_id, group_concat(concat(date_format(modify_date, '%e-%b %H:%i'), '->', comments) order by entry_time desc SEPARATOR ' ** ') PreviousComm
from vicidial_callbacks
where campaign_id = 'AZTK' /*Variable*/
and list_id = '003' /*Variable*/
group by lead_id
Now, it would be great if somehow each time vicidial launches the script could include at the bottom this string. I think it could be relatively easy for you since at launch time vicidial knows campaign_id, list_id and lead_id.
Well, guys I leave the idea on the table