Vicidial for Domestic using PRI and Digium Card

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Vicidial for Domestic using PRI and Digium Card

Postby collectorcc1 » Sat Oct 03, 2009 5:51 am

I want to use Vicidial for Domestic dialing i.e India.

What I have to add more and how to configure digium card and PRI in Vicidial ?

I am aware of VOIP thing .. But NO CLUE about PIR and Digium Card and etc...

Actually, I will receive Inbound calls and will make Outbnd calls also.I have a Inbound number provided by the provider. But confused on how to proceed...

I need 10 seats ....
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Postby collectorcc1 » Sat Oct 03, 2009 5:52 am

Also, requirement is they want us to use AudioCode so that even if system gets hang , voice shouldNOT get hang or disconnect.
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Postby gardo » Sat Oct 03, 2009 11:16 am

You can search the forums on how to configure ISDN PRIs on Asterisk and Vicidial. If you encounter any issues, post them here.
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