How to configure my sip details

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How to configure my sip details

Postby shobhit29 » Mon Oct 12, 2009 5:41 pm

Hey guys i have downloaded 1.2 CE of vici done with installation. but i am not sure how to configure my sip account details. please help
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Postby williamconley » Mon Oct 12, 2009 10:52 pm

welcome to the party shobhit29!

let's start here:

1) read the stickies from each of the forums before you post in them. I would actually recommend reading all the stickies from all the forums immediately, it can help bring you up to speed. (in case you are REALLY a noobee: stickies are the posted topics at the beginning of each list that say "sticky" and seem like they should be at the end instead of the beginning because they are old ... they are pushed to the top permanently because they are required reading before posting.)

2) read the manual - it is on and is free (there is a paid version with more in-depth information and step by step walkthroughs, an excellent investment no matter how you look at it). reading at least the free version is a serious requirement before posting.

3) i believe there is also a quickstart/installation manual available on vicidialnow's site, but i've never read it. not required, but certainly a good idea if you installed vicidialnow.

Now: I will assume that you installed vicidialnow because you said "1.2 CE" which is NOT a Vicidial Version number. Vicidial is presently in Version 2.0.5 (soon to be 2.2.X, from what I understand).

When you post, please post your Vicidial version AND build, available at the bottom of most of your screens in Vicidial's manager interface. You should also post any other software you have installed and your hardware. Consider putting this in your "signature" (just click on profile, signature, type it in one line and forget about it).

You should understand the VicidialNOW is CentOS, Vicibox is Ubuntu.

VicidialNOW is published and supported on it's own site and installs Vicidial, it also has a forum on THIS site as a convenience to keep us all on the same page (thanks to The Vicidial Group's generosity). VicidialNOW is specific for those requiring CentOS (in the Redhat family, not supported by Vicidial).

Vicibox Server is similar in that both will install Vicidial to a specific version level. Vicibox is a product of The Vicidial Group (on whose site you are presently, as they are the creators and maintainers of Vicidial). Vicibox also comes in a handy "demo" cd version that does not require installation at all, just boot from the CD.

In the manual you will find step by step instructions for "carriers", but if it is confusing, work it step by step and come back here and tell us where you got stumped and we'll help you the rest of the way.
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