Only one agent can make a call at a time

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Only one agent can make a call at a time

Postby theman2000k » Thu Oct 22, 2009 10:59 am

I have a weird problem, I have had an install up and running for the last month without a problem.

All of a sudden only one agent can only make a outgoing call at a time. The other agents just time out. When the agent that was on the call hangs up someone else can make a call. But only one at a time.

We use manual dial and have never had a problem and all of a sudden this happened.

Any help would be great.
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Postby williamconley » Mon Oct 26, 2009 10:40 pm

have you considered the possibility that your provider decided you should only have one trunk available?

then again you could post your installation information (installation method, version numbers, any other software in the system ...)

i've had issues with a record (or several) stuck in auto-calls (the table, in MySQL, in the asterisk database) that would stop calls from being made, but that was only have a hard power failure crash. normally.
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