detail working of vicidial

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detail working of vicidial

Postby rudra_ach » Sat Oct 21, 2006 12:35 am

Hi dear,

I've tested vicidial since quiet a few monts and I got a sysadmin manual too.But from admin point of view one thing I want to share I've no idea how the program works.Like for that I need to dig the program coding.My personal feeling if you could provide detail pictorial dialgram and few explanation for working of the software the it would be feasible for sys admins to know exactly what is going on inside and where they are facing the problem and they can fix the problem by themselves instead of asking forum same question many times.Like I personally asked lot of time to the forum by doing siy mistakes.But there is no other way out to know where exactly the problem is.

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Postby mflorell » Sat Oct 21, 2006 10:01 am

I should really update the process flow of a call that is on the vicidial.html page of the project site:

There are a lot of new features not mentioned in there and I don't really go into detail about how anything works. Of course if I did that it would take quite a while to write and quite a while for people to read because it would be many pages long.

This gets back to the old balancing act of development vs. documentation. I think I have done a fairly good job of balancing the two but there are always people who want you to spend more time on one or the other.

Generaly after a release I try to spend some time on documentation, at least updating the manuals, but usually more time trying to come up with a process flow or more detailed explanation of any new features I'm working on. I also spend quite a lot of time on client needs and answering emails and postings on this board.

This month has been a little different because of Astricon coming up and a few client installs all coming up within two weeks of each other next month.

I have been doing a lot more work on performance testing of hardware in the last few weeks and have greatly optimized the logging aspects of VICIDIAL by using FastAGI. I hope to do at least a snapshot release after I get back from Astricon, and then I will finalize a few of the features for the 2.0.2 release so that I can get a beta out for it by the end of November.

Sorry to ramble on like that, just an update on what I'm up to with the project.
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Postby marmu » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:52 am

I created some diagramms of the inner workings of vicidial last year. someone interested?
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Postby mflorell » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:46 pm

Well, post them on the Issue Tracker, we would love to take a look at them :)
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Postby marmu » Tue Jun 07, 2011 5:51 am

I can't find the files anymore, I only got a printout left ;(
I'm sorry... anyone remembering the former BP CEO apologizing? :D

I took the written description of "vicidial process flows" and put them into a diagram to get a better overlook.
Vicibox redux 3.1.10 64 bit (ViciBox_Redux.x86_64-3.1.10.iso)
Admin-GUI: VERSION: 2.4-310a - BUILD: 110506-1537 - with some adaptions :)
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