Lead Managment, List Managment, General Question

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Lead Managment, List Managment, General Question

Postby ArizonaCenter » Mon Mar 08, 2010 3:22 pm

I have a general question. Based on this answer I will probably move into the consulting section.

Description of What This Campaign Needs.
This campaign is planned to run on the same leads for 1 year. I will call leads 1 time a week for 2 or 3 weeks. Then I will rest the list for 4 months. I will then repeat the same process, calling lead 2-3 times and then resting them again.

There is some data I would like reps to capture. I can have the information in the notes section, but I wonder how common it would is to add custom fields to the interface? Would adding VTiger integration be a better solution?

I also want to add some custom dispositions and remove some dispositions for this campaign. Dispositions need to aid me in managing how I rest leads.

The different dispositions will:
1- Rest Status- Call again in 4 months
2- Reset the lead to be called again next week.
3- Manually remove Lead from the list (Not done by reps, Managers and Admins remove later)

My last question is After a year, what will the data I export capture. Will it show dates called and dispositions, last call date only, rep notes etc...

I would like to load the leads back into my MySQL database at the end of the year.

Summery of Questions:
Can the standard setup of Vicidial help me manage leads the way I want to?
Would a custom interface or VTiger help me with my custom fields more easily?
What data extra fields of data will be added to my leads when they are extracted at the end of a year with your suggested design?
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Postby mflorell » Mon Mar 08, 2010 5:15 pm

Number of Agents?

Number of leads?

How many fields of information are you looking to capture?

ViciDial can probably do what you want, there are list-based and call-based export options, and we have integrated with all sorts of CRM systems.
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Postby ArizonaCenter » Mon Mar 08, 2010 7:03 pm

There would never be more than 16 reps on at a time.

I would like to track 5 fields of data, but the notes section could also be used.

250,000 leads give or take. I was planning on creating lists of 5000 since that will make importing easier and it may help with the rotation planned.
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Postby williamconley » Mon Mar 08, 2010 9:25 pm

have you looked at the fields that are already there to see if you can recycle unused ones? and then of course, xxx= in the comments field for overflow and you do not need customization.

beware of adding fields to the actual table itself, but adding a new table with 1:1 relationship and putting in your own web form to "push" to an interface for that new table is all you really need (create if it doesnt exist, use it if it's already there, via the lead_id from vicidial). then you can track as many fields as you want without losing your disposition or any vicidial functionality. Just use "Web form" in Vicidial.
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Postby mflorell » Tue Mar 09, 2010 7:13 am

for 250,000 leads you will be pushing your luck with Vtiger unless you have a big dedicated server for it. But for only 5 fields you should be able to work within the default vicidial_list table of data.

As for lead loading, 5k is a good number, but we have clients that have anywhere from 5 million leads to 2 leads per individual list and anywhere from one list to 600 lists in the system so everybody is different.
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