Custom webform or configuration help with standerd vicidial.

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Custom webform or configuration help with standerd vicidial.

Postby ArizonaCenter » Wed Mar 10, 2010 10:32 pm

Current Setup:

Dedicated Server (Xeon processor, 8 gigs)
ViciDialNow 1.3 (CentOS, VICIDIAL 2.0.5, Asterisk
Squid 2.6

New Project:

All of the basic functions are working well. I will be testing a new campaign after this server is setup are ready to go into production. I will never need more than 15 agents and it is anticipated that 10 agents will be the average.

I am looking for a quote on what it would cost to have a custom web form developed. I want to be able to have agents record custom information into the form. I would like to have the information recorded added to the lead when the lead is exported back out of the dialer at the end of the campaign.

If it is not a big addition to the webform I would like to develop custom dispositions. I would like to be able to reset the call list by disposition. If this is a big addition, than I can work with the current dispositions. I will need configuration help with the current Vicidial set up in that case.

If the webform is not a good option, I will need help configuring Vicidial. Currently some dispositions we need to be reset are not dialed again following the "Reset Lead-Called-Status" option being used in the lists.

Please PM me or reply here to let me know if you need more information.

A broken down quote will probably help. Please PM me, or reply or here:

1) Webform development (Cost and Time to complete)
2A) Custom dispositions (Cost and Time to complete)
2B) Configuring the current dispositions to be reset in the list options
3) Training so my local IT and I can understand how to maintain the installation. (Cost per hour)
3) Have you completed similar projects in the past?
4) Alternate solutions (Description, Cost, and Time to complete)

If you are only interested in doing item 2B, please still let me know. If the web form does not work, that is the next best option.

Thanks for looking.
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Joined: Thu Mar 04, 2010 3:14 pm

Postby williamconley » Sun Mar 14, 2010 9:27 pm

You should probably start with adding a web form to your campaign definition and deciding if that was actually all you ever needed to begin with. it is entirely possible to pass all the prospect data to ANY other web app at the onset of the call and then that app can decide what to do with the information (ie: create new record, recycle existing record for this client but make new notes ...). while the agent still has the info available for modfication on the screen (to enter more data while on the call)

this would allow the dialer to dial and your other app to store whatever you want wherever and however you like.

have a look at sugarCRM (custom module generator is built in). you can create a data storage facility for ANY list of information, create new records, capture leads with web capture or with SOAP, or directly in MySQL. and if you pop from vicidial agent screen to a sugarcrm record for each contact ... you have all your data in mysql with the ability to modify your table structure at will in a nice gui.
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Postby boybawang » Mon Mar 15, 2010 6:27 am

pm me, i can try to meet your requirements
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Postby williamconley » Mon Mar 15, 2010 9:38 am

he said to pm him, or respond here. i'm not sure it's a good idea to then respond here and tell him to pm you. lol

Please PM me, or reply or here:
Vicidial Installation and Repair, plus Hosting and Colocation
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