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Ok are you replacing entire quancept including interviewersoftware or just thier dialer?
Limesurvey could be used with vicidial.
i dont know if that would cover your needs?
GnuDialer does have it's own forum, have you asked there?
what specific list of features do you require, i'd bet if you posted them here you'll find that it has ALL been done by one or several posters
vicidial does recommend use of sangoma cpa to do call amd detection.
how much have you looked at vicidial to see if it fits your needs?
marmu wrote:what specific list of features do you require, i'd bet if you posted them here you'll find that it has ALL been done by one or several posters
At best, all features of the quancept dialer ok, seriously we want a predictive dialer we can "fill" with numbers to dial. It should be as slim as possible and deliver as much info about the calls as possible. Further we need fax detection (analog and digital), AMD (answering machine detection) etc.
The whole call center GUI stuff isn't interesting. We are working with oldschool terminals and this won't change for years.
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