I have 2.2rc7 in production at a client site and I have compiled a list of the remaining issues that have a negative impact on the operation of the Call Center. The issues are listed ordered by impact and importance, but it is import to take notice that the Call Center in question does lots of Manual Dialing from CRM, and this might not be the typical case for some Call Centers:
Buttons in agent interface can become locked (greyed-out) until the agent logs out and logs in again after an unsuccessful attended transfer attempt.
Bug in Pause Time Accounting for Manual Alternate Dial Calls. (In certain cases pause time can be doubled each time an alternate number is dialed.)
Failure to detect Dead Calls on manual dial, but only when using IAX2 Trunk:
(Sorry about this one, the two cases have become duplicates and I think it is better to close one of them to merge the issues.)
And this one is mayor nuisance for manual dialing even though the negative impact is not so significant:
And I would be working on this issue so that the call termination cause messages on manual dial could be more user friendly:
http://www.vicidial.org/VICIDIALforum/v ... hp?t=10748
I would be glad to help as much as I can to have this issues fixed.