We are using VicidialNow 1.2.
I have looked through the database and it seem that a few leads have had a call count as high as 18 but have no record in the call_log and are still show a status of NEW.
This goes all the way back to just after the system was installed over a year ago but was not enough to raise an issue till now (usually < 20 leads).
I have a campaign with 30,000 leads 3,000 of which claim to be NEW but have call count varying from 1 to 18 all with user VDAD and none with any match in the call_log table.
Are there any known conditions under which a lead would be marked as called but not yet actually dialled?
Could this be caused by emptying the hopper or the vicidial_auto_calls table?
We have worked around this issue by setting the list to NEW only or by using sort on DOWN COUNT but we would like to know the root cause so that it can be addressed.